Whitest the Summit has been this autumn so far:
The non-icing Summit AWS is iced up, so no windspeed at present! The heating system hasn't been set up because there was an expectation that the existing Summit Hut was going to be taken down as part of the work to install a new generation of RETB signalling on the West Highland Line, but the work program is behind schedule.
We'll get it set up for winter either this week or next.
Updating Cams: [
If you are a regular Glencoe skier from the West Coast, don't forget Warren Miller's No Turning Back at the IMAX at Glasgow Science Centre on Mon 8th Dec: [
Edited 1 times. Last edit at 13.15hrs Mon 3 Nov 14 by alan.
summit-2014.11.03.13.jpeg (21kB)