mang_out Wrote:
Have been using the app, so far so good, one annoyance. there is no exit, close app function, normally when you press the back button from the 1st screen it will close it down but not on this app.
I dont need the app running all the time i will run it when I neeed to. This is just common application practice. please fix
Better behaviour for the back button is on my task list. Working this out properly got dropped in order to try and get the App out in time for half term.
It's worth noting that most Android Aps don't actually quit when you tap the back button (regardless of the message they might pop up), all they do is stop any processing tasks which relate to the on screen activity, which isn't the same thing, the app will still be in memory. Even if an App has an "exit" or "quit" function, this may not be "quitting" the app in the sense that people who are used to desktop applications would expect, the chances are it's still in memory but not actively processing anything.
There are some apps that do seem to perform a genuine quit when you tap back. However, this practice is against the programming guidelines for Android, so it's not something that I intend to do. There is a simple explanation here:
I'm more than happy to put in something which makes the back button cause the typical Android behaviour of hiding the app and suspending to memory. This is certainly more intuitive since users expect this button to do something! However, in practice, this won't be doing anything different to pressing the home button, since there are no continuous foreground tasks in the Winterhighland app to stop, which is why I didn't worry too much about getting this fixed for the first release.
I did consider making the "back" button act like the history button in the browser, stepping back through the sequence of screens which have been viewed. There is quite a lot of effort involved since you have to maintain a history of every page view, so it's not going to happen soon. To what extent would people find this useful? I've not personally felt the need for it in the Winterhighland app, but that could just be me. Either way immediate fix here will be a simple app suspend when "back" is tapped regardless of how many pages you have viewed. I'll probably put up a "Are you sure you want to exit" dialogue so that people don't accidentally exit expecting "back" to step through the page view history.