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Posts: 125
Joined: Jan 2008
Last Visited: 11:11 8th Dec 2020
Flypaper Glencoe
Date Posted: 10.59hrs on Thu 9 Apr 15
The lovely creamy snow yesterday nearly tempted me down the Flypaper, but bottled out when I saw the edge with nothing beyond and went around the side.
It looked awesome and verrrry steep at the drop in, especially when half in the shade. The videos I have seen do not give any impression of this.
Does anyone know how steep it is? (is it even possible to stop and measure it!!)
Posts: 580
Joined: Mar 2007
Re: Flypaper Glencoe
Date Posted: 12.07hrs on Thu 9 Apr 15
The sides remain consistent and measure c. 35 deg.
The steeper centre varies and measures c. 50 deg +.
If approached from directly above the slope is convex i.e. A roll over - so you cannot see until on it. Combined with the fact that a fall from here means a slide to the bottom creates the intimidation factor.
Generally, most people over estimate the angle of a slope - something to do with eyes, brain and ego?
Posts: 39
Joined: Sep 2014
Re: Flypaper Glencoe
Date Posted: 22.13hrs on Thu 9 Apr 15
Ratchet 50+ cougars don't count.