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Last Visited: 23:55 2nd Oct 2017
Re: CML or HIE? Who instigated the chairlift demolition?
Date Posted: 23.00hrs on Mon 2 Oct 17
Also late to this conversation, but has anyone looked into the planning aspect of the demolition works? My limited understanding is that, whilst demolition of a building or structure might not require planning permission, the local planning authority (Highland Council/CNPA) may need prior notification of the works (which gives them the opportunity to request more details) and, as no replacement structure is intended, may want to know how the land is to be reinstated after demolition. A quick look at the Highland Council/CNPA planning web pages shows no prior notification was submitted, however I have seen a post on the CML FB page that says “You were supposed to use helicopters to remove the Ciste lift infrastructure, according to information given to the Cairngorm National Parks Authority” so something could have been agreed with them but it’s not in the public domain as far as I can see. Either way, the works could have been undertaken/are being undertaken in breach of planning law.
Edited 1 times. Last edit at 00.00hrs Tue 3 Oct 17 by AndrewG71.
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Re: CML or HIE? Who instigated the chairlift demolition?
Date Posted: 11.04hrs on Wed 4 Oct 17
Posts: 158
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Re: CML or HIE? Who instigated the chairlift demolition?
Date Posted: 13.44hrs on Wed 4 Oct 17
“I felt there was a lack of explanation on why HIE did not explore the cost of renovation/redevelopment/replacement of the chairlifts on Coire na Ciste. I asked my colleagues about this after the call and they explained that any redeveloped facility would have needed a commercial operator and there was no interest from the current or previous operator in restoring and running the facilities [in] Coire na Ciste.”
well there we have it then. Echoing the comments made by a lot on here already, the only option for skiing is Coire na Ciste is the removal of HIE and Natural Retreats.
but frankly... we've all known that for quite some time.
some frustrated skier
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Re: CML or HIE? Who instigated the chairlift demolition?
Date Posted: 16.24hrs on Wed 4 Oct 17
Sounds so like they are blaming each other for the removal.
Triggers brush comes to mind. New bases could quite easily be constructed on a rolling basis. The towers were deemed to be sound but could of been replaced over a number of summers too.
Considering that the Cas is the oldest lift on the hill, how does this conform with the cableways directive?
Posts: 1061
Joined: Dec 2005
Re: CML or HIE? Who instigated the chairlift demolition?
Date Posted: 07.16hrs on Thu 5 Oct 17
"“The prime reason for our actions was related to health and safety,” says Wright. “We’ve undertaken an engineer’s report and it was quite clear from that that there was a danger there, and that’s a primary cause for our actions – to remove a health and safety issue from the mountain.”
Cableways directive - red-herring, this was not a new installation.
Health and Safety issues - what precisely? We are talking about some gear in a wild natural environment which in itself consists of the potential for landslides, avalanches, rock falls, trip hazards, sink-holes, etc. etc. Are they going to demolish the entire uplands to eliminate these risks? What total absolute bollocks.