growwild Wrote:
numbers for the access at Glencoe, could they extend the sledging down tae the car park ?
Around 230 hours for the T40s since New Year, 286hours for Ratnik Sky Giant VI lances with the marginal temperature nozzles. These equate to start up flow rate of 2.7lps vs 1.9lps for a T40 - but the T40 can output much more in colder temperatures.
There was a data outage of just under 5 days that may contribute in part to the Glenmore figure being less than the Glencoe base figure for this year to date. Generally the swings in hours of potential snow making around the 1200ft mark is greater at Glencoe than Glenmore.
A factor at Glenmore is the semi-natural tree line already extending to around 1700 ft with sizeable trees and montane shrub above. That can have a difference to an extent that 100m below the treeline could see 40% less ablation in a mild storm than 100m above the treeline.
That has the consequence that while you may be able to make less snow lower down (seasons with prolonged inversion conditions excepted) the snow you do make will suffer less melting for a given a temperature because both rain intensity and wind speed increase with altitude and there is a big jump in ablation rates once above the protective biosphere of a tree lined trail.
With technology beginning to reduce / remove the temperature constraint factor for making the snow, then reducing ablation can take priority over hours of low snow making wet bulb temperatures.
The old rules don't apply anymore, but the laws of physics still do. So on that basis I'd describe snowmaking on the following as:
Carpark Runs: Good.
Daylodge Poma: Bad.
Aonach Bowl: Good.
M2: Very bad.
Lower Ciste: Very good.
Ski Road above Link Road: OK
Below Link Road: Good.
Ski Road just below Treeline: Very good.
When it is by no means certain whether the Funicular has a future - and as I have said before, it should not be fix at any cost, then all the options should be on the table. Ropeway tech has significantly closed the gap between monocable ropeways and the Funicular, while improved information and improved forecasting, never mind the experience with snow drift closures negate some of the reasons for going with the funicular in the first place.
Edited 1 times. Last edit at 22.13hrs Sat 2 Feb 19 by alan.