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Posts: 1123
Joined: Feb 2006
Mystery painting - can you identify the mountain?
Date Posted: 12.41hrs on Tue 23 Jun 09
Hiya, have posted this on Snowheads too but thought that surely there are greater experts here on Winterhighland so here's a puzzle for you. grinning smiley

I inherited a watercolour painting of a high Alpine scene a couple of years ago and have been trying to work out where it is since then and am still not sure. I have a feeling it is probably a mountain in Austria because the original owners were very fond of Austria and holidayed there and I'm pretty sure it's not Scotland, although they lived in Scotland and loved the Scottish mountains.

The painting is by an artist called Elisabeth Hocrole-Peters (I think that's what the signature says).

So, firstly can anyone identify the mountain?

For bonus points can any art geniuses tell me anything about the artist (can't find anything on the net so I guess she isn't very well known)?

Here's the painting, click the thumbmnail to see a larger version:

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 14.59hrs Wed 24 Jun 09 by roga.

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Re: Mystery painting - can you identify the mountain?
Date Posted: 13.30hrs on Tue 23 Jun 09
It would be worth getting an artists biography if you can, as it will tell their favourite haunts, if she is a listed artist.?

I bought a Scottish oil landscape a few years ago, and did the same hunt to find the hill. - If you can establish the approx year painted, and the artists typical locations, then you may get it pinned down to a likely region.

I managed to establish that Perthshire was most likely for my picture, and by process of elimination worked out which river, and eventually found the location.

One thing that can catch you is if there have been manmade changes to the landscape. - in my case it was a hydro dam had created a new loch! (Faskally)

In your case, there might be a cable car & a host of pomas there now! winking smiley

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Re: Mystery painting - can you identify the mountain?
Date Posted: 15.01hrs on Tue 23 Jun 09
^ thanks good points - where apart form the internet is a good place to get an artists biography? As I say there's nothing on the net from what I can see.

> In your case, there might be a cable car & a
> host of pomas there now!

Or if was France, the whole mountain might have been terraformed to create some easy motorway blues - aaaargh! winking smiley


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Re: Mystery painting - can you identify the mountain?
Date Posted: 14.58hrs on Thu 25 Jun 09
the art trade have some reference handbooks that they keep under the counter. - Maybe ask in an art/antique dealer?

If it's watercolour, there are watercolourists art societies. In Scotland it's RSW, but I don't know what it'd be for an English artist.

Even modest painters usually leave a record somewhere, but might not make it onto the web databases. - I tried the name but couldn't find any references on web.

It's not x-scape is it? grinning smiley
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