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16th Apr 2021
Please don't go
Date Posted: 13.37hrs on Mon 19 May 14
Full disclosure: I'm English and I live in England.And guess what? When England are playing Scotland I'm cheering for the Three Lions.
But I love Scotland, Scottish mountains and Scottish snowsports.
When I was 16 , just finished my O levels, I got the train up to Inverness with some mates, and walked cross country to Skye. I felt that my Scottish born Great Grandma would have approved.What a trip that was, we rough camped, got soaked and bitten by midges, but I would not have swapped it for the world.
Later, I took to travelling up overnight on a Friday and sking over the weekend on Cairngorm in its glory days when Aviemore was throbbing at night with skiers enjoying themselves.So I know Scotland well and am proud to have many Scots friends.
I shudder when people on the national media talk about England, when they mean Britain,I hate how everything in the UK seems to only matter if it is in London and loathe the small minded little Englanders who seem to have hijacked the national debate.
So I kind of understand how Scots might be thinking about voting "yes" in the referendum, but I'm hoping that you won't. I think that we are better together and that in 300 odd years of union we've done OK together.
Nationalism is not the answer. Look beyond the braying Nigel Farages of this world and see that most of us are just like you, same hopes, fears, challenges and dreams.Those of us outside the English home counties( and don't I hate that phrase too) have been as shafted by the Westminster agenda as the Scots. We need you guys!
So, please, vote "No"


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Re: Please don't go
Date Posted: 22.33hrs on Mon 19 May 14
WTF!?! U need us for wit?


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Re: Please don't go
Date Posted: 00.53hrs on Tue 20 May 14
Full disclosure: I'm voting yes, I don't watch football or rugby so I don't cheer anyone but I wasn't born in Scotland either winking smiley

But I agree with growwild, England doesn't need Scotland just because some of it is at odd with London & the 'Home Counties'. And much as it would be nice to help you get rid of the Tories, Scotland can't afford solidarity with the English that oppose them when it has its own opportunity to get out for good. England might get a chance to sort out its own affairs when a City State of London is established but unfortunately, there're lots of people whose outlooks are similar to those in the SE living in enclaves miles away from it (even in Scotland) in the likes of say Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Manchester and the old market towns up and down the land. At the opposite end of England from London, wasn't Nick Griffin elected by the people of its north west to represent them in Europe ?


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Re: Please don't go
Date Posted: 21.19hrs on Sat 24 May 14
Still nae answer?

Will ya be writing tae the commonwealth games entrants asking them tae all come back?

I thought the city was its own wee state/planet as it is, they control most of the cash flow round the world and 'the firm' own most of the land?

We have no democracy in this country, the lords and the royals are proof of that...


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16th Apr 2021
Re: Please don't go
Date Posted: 16.41hrs on Wed 28 May 14
We are better together. Nationalism is not the answer.
But I'm not on here to argue, I just wanted to say what I felt.

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Re: Please don't go
Date Posted: 23.07hrs on Wed 28 May 14
The moon is made of cheese. Nationalism is the reason this is still Scotland and probably a good enough ideology as tae why the likes of Hitler and the empire he tried to copy failed?

Why do the right call it Nationalism anyway?

After coming together(Nationalism) tae kick Roman arse, then Anglo Roman arse(a few times) the people of Scotland are still multicultural after aw they years, we still have teuchters!

We sell our products globally, and thanks to the descendants of our current rulers there are many Scots based round the world, that would cover internationalism....

[] A fine product of all points covered?

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Re: Please don't go
Date Posted: 12.38hrs on Fri 30 May 14
We are better together. Nationalism is not the answer.
But I'm not on here to argue, I just wanted to say what I felt.

The irony with the above statement is that Better Together is itself nationalist, British Nationalism.

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28th Apr 2019
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Re: Please don't go
Date Posted: 13.39hrs on Fri 30 May 14
Snowweasel - I know where you are coming from and appreciate the post. Whatever way the vote goes we are still going to be the same people and united under the same Monarch.

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Re: Please don't go
Date Posted: 00.36hrs on Sat 31 May 14
Another great contribution, they really should make flag waving compulsory in schools.. Would swapping seats for knee pads produce better subjects?



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10th Aug 2019
Re: Please don't go
Date Posted: 18.48hrs on Tue 3 Jun 14
Go where? No one is going anywhere.

Please can we stick to facts. This isn't about nationalism, it's about changing the system to the benefit of people living in Scotland through having representative government, Scotland having access to the tax collected in Scotland and national resources in Scotland and having a more progressive outlook. You are right on one thing - everyone is the same really. Across the world and the Uk has no monopoly on anything. Human beings are of the same value the world over. Vote yes for for land reform, taking responsibility for ALL monies spent and raised in Scotland, having a much more engaging and progressive foreign outlook, having a proper democracy (no the House of Lords is no democratic, at all) and actually being able to spend and invest on infrastructure.

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28th Apr 2019
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Re: Please don't go
Date Posted: 08.22hrs on Wed 4 Jun 14
Donald M - In an independant Scotland what is the proposed check and balance in the new government, will it be a Scottish House of Lords, or something along the lines of the two house system in the US?

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10th Aug 2019
Re: Please don't go
Date Posted: 12.10hrs on Wed 4 Jun 14
There will no House of Lords certainly. After gaining independence from the UK, not one country has replicated the UK parliamentary system. For good reason. It's not democratic or representative.

But to answer your question, currently there is the committee system but in my view and many others that needs either strengthened or a separate reviewing chamber needs to be set up to perform the functions as you say.

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Re: Please don't go
Date Posted: 23.58hrs on Thu 5 Jun 14
Do the genetically deficient ones lording it up in Scotland have title deeds for their estates?

[] Who kept the drug lords in check in the past and today?

I wont even go into their connection to arms and pharmaceutical dealers, but there are no profits in good health and peace, unless ya grow weed!

Rotten auld bunch of global parasites....


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Re: Please don't go
Date Posted: 20.57hrs on Thu 24 Jul 14
This thread reminds me of that dodgy file in westminster, empty!

Are all the britnat keyboard warriors off on holiday?

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18th Nov 2014
Re: Please don't go
Date Posted: 06.56hrs on Wed 20 Aug 14
we're not going anywhere and everyone will still be welcome. We'll just be joining the rest of the world.

Here are some reasons why it's a good thing we do just that.

Scotland pays more tax per head than the rest of the countries in the UK:


Our education standards are very high - possibly the best in Europe:


Our economic diversity leads Standard and Poor to believe that we’d qualify for the highest economic rating possible:


An independent Scotland right now would be the 14th wealthiest country in the world per head of population, according to government figures:


One report suggests the union has cost Scotland £64bn in the last three decades, due to the fact that we’ve paid more tax per head than the UK average in every one of the last 30 years:


If we hadn’t spend the last three decades subsidising British governments who racked up a trillion pounds in debt, we’d actually have a spending surplus, “so big as to be embarrassing” (according to UK government research):


In 1997, William Hague insisted that if Scotland voted to have its own parliament, we would be living in a "high-tax ghetto" after five years of devolution:


The Conservative party have previous for lying to Scotland - for 30 years they and successive Westminster governments buried the same now-famous government report mentioned above that concluded an independent Scotland with North Sea oil revenues would be as rich as Switzerland:


And they continue to lie to us today, telling us that a Scottish Parliament with new powers is the “best of both worlds”, even though they opposed devolution in the first place:


The idea that Scotland, unique among small, oil rich countries, is incapable of becoming independent, or that to do so would be economically ruinous, stands up to no scrutiny at all, and David Cameron agrees:


And given that inequality in the UK is growing faster than in any other rich country, an independent Scotland would have to become the world leaders just to keep pace with the inequality:


Instead, Scotland votes for progressive, left wing policy, and as a result retains free health and education as the English pay £9k for university and advertise £6bn in privatised NHS contracts:


One million Scots are now living below the poverty line despite the incredible wealth this country has:


But the Better Together campaign - who have distanced themselves from that moniker of late, possibly because of the inherent irony, believe this is the “best of both worlds” for Scotland:


Currently, Scotland doesn’t choose its own governments, and it doesn’t influence election results meaningfully. Not a single Prime Minister would have been out of a job over the last five decades if Scotland’s votes were scrapped:


Scotland’s Westminster governments are therefore unaccountable to Scotland, and are free to introduce policies like the Bedroom Tax with impunity:


There is clear desire in Scotland to address the issues of inequality and share in the wealth of our country, through democratic process:


Our political needs have diverged from the rest of the UK such that the current Conservative government has only one seat in Scotland:


There are presently 192 countries surviving outside of the United Kingdom:

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