Snowweasel Wrote:
daveski Wrote:
ur works just as well for me
But does it work for those reading what you have written?
The point about grammar rules is that they make everything clear and understandable to everyone.
Text speak is fine for texting or tweeting when space is important, but somewhere like Winterhighland, where there are no restrictions on space, is the place for some "proper" grammar and spelling.
Like Lionel, I'll declare an interest...I used to teach English, so this stuff is important to me!
C'mon the snow...then I can start thinking about important stuff!
Snowweasel - I hope I did not offend, on a more serious note, I actually agree with you, though I doubt I will ever match your (now have me doubting if that is the correct use of your) level of understanding or have your appreciation.
One thing I have observed is that when using a keyboard, especially when typing quickly and I remember to review, I find I always type their instead of there, even though I know the difference, I never make that mistake when writing.