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Posts: 52
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19th Dec 2011
What is cooler? Boarding or skiing?
Date Posted: 11.59hrs on Fri 9 Dec 11
I'm a boarder, nothing in the world would make me strap on the sticks of shame. Snowboarding is cooler than skiing, the vibe is better, you get to wear better clothes and more importantly you get more chicks when you're a boarder

Skiers tend to be self absorbed, uptight, middle class people who are not as friendly

Skiing is what people to who can't snowboard

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10th Aug 2019
Re: What is cooler? Boarding or skiing?
Date Posted: 12.02hrs on Fri 9 Dec 11
Depends what is important to you. If it;s simply image then I reckon boarding is but if you find it cool to be able to move faster, more efficiently and access terrain much more easily off piste, then skiing wins every time.

Snowboarding is for people who only stay on the piste, very often sitting on it, or rarely venture off piste.

Yes tongue in cheek but anyone into non-piste terrain quickly learns how useless a snowboard is.

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2nd Jun 2013
Re: What is cooler? Boarding or skiing?
Date Posted: 12.04hrs on Fri 9 Dec 11
"Skiing is what people to who can't snowboard "

In English please?


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28th Feb 2018
Re: What is cooler? Boarding or skiing?
Date Posted: 12.08hrs on Fri 9 Dec 11
DonaldM Wrote:Snowboarding is for people who only stay on the piste, very often sitting on it, or rarely venture off piste.

Yes tongue in cheek but anyone into non-piste terrain quickly learns how useless a snowboard is.

I have to disagree with this. As a boarder converted from skiing, I prefer boarding off piste.

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10th Aug 2019
Re: What is cooler? Boarding or skiing?
Date Posted: 12.15hrs on Fri 9 Dec 11
I mean the whole travel part, not the down hill only. Imagine using a board, even a split board (skis) to get to Tailor's Burn. Nightmare!

I remember skiing down the side of the Mess of Potage from CairnGorm's summit. There were some boarders who had to walk the flat bit to the coire lip and the flat bit on the way out. It looked a really pain as well as very slow.

Horses for courses I guess.
David Goldsmith

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6th Nov 2018
Re: What is cooler? Boarding or skiing?
Date Posted: 12.21hrs on Fri 9 Dec 11
I imported the first 20 snowboards (Winterstick) into the UK in 1978, after 20 years of skiing, but then spent 3-4 years almost exclusively monoskiing! Although they're unfashionable right now, I'd contend that the monoski, when handled with effective technique, is still a very valid concept.

The re-design of skis to make them fatter and floatier has made serious inroads into the design advantages of snowboards.

The original vision of the inventor of the Winterstick - a brilliant engineer called Dimitrije Milovich - was that that the snowboard would only be used in powder and would have free foot positions like a surfboard or skateboard. The fact that feet are now locked into bindings, but without the advantages to skiers of being able to walk, skate, or sidestep, means that snowboarding will - for the future - be a sport that never quite achieves the original high that was envisaged.

Taking it in historical perspective, skis have a history that's older than the wheel, rooted in the needs of nomad hunters to chase animals. Snowboards have existed for under 40 years, and snowboarders are still hunting for a cause.

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24th Apr 2013
Re: What is cooler? Boarding or skiing?
Date Posted: 12.23hrs on Fri 9 Dec 11
Honestly who gives a f**k?
This is playground banter , at the end of the day we are all sliding down the hill on over priced toys and all that matters is the smile on your face and how you feel !
I have been snowboarding for 20odd years and I can ski as well.

Plus I'm pretty rapid on a sledge smiling smiley

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24th Nov 2014
Re: What is cooler? Boarding or skiing?
Date Posted: 12.28hrs on Fri 9 Dec 11
marco Wrote:
Plus I'm pretty rapid on a sledge

Sledging is definitely where it's at. But none of those sledges with brakes or steering wheel rubbish.

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19th Dec 2011
Re: What is cooler? Boarding or skiing?
Date Posted: 12.32hrs on Fri 9 Dec 11
boardinbob Wrote:
"Skiing is what people to who can't snowboard "

In English please?

Replace the "to" with a "do"

Wasn't hard was it :-)

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24th Mar 2018
Re: What is cooler? Boarding or skiing?
Date Posted: 12.36hrs on Fri 9 Dec 11
'This snowboarding is cooler' argument may have been valid before the fairly recent freeski movement, now skiiers can wear really loud garish clothes and say things like 'sick' and 'awesome'.

Would be intested to see how many people are moving back from snowboarding to skiing though. I think the trend is definitely going in that direction.

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8th Dec 2014
Re: What is cooler? Boarding or skiing?
Date Posted: 12.39hrs on Fri 9 Dec 11
Putting in nice long turns on or off piste on skis makes you feel high as a kite. Then you go over a blind summit and theres a line of snowboarders parked in the middle of the run.

But really they are difficult to compare and contrast that I think its easier to say they are both the coolest sports in the world.

But I have to say that these park orientated under-prepared skiers and and boarders dont strike me as cool. What strikes me as being cool is freeriding as demonstrated in these videos:
Skier []
Snowboarder []

Oh and snowblades... Ha... please.

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 12.47hrs Fri 9 Dec 11 by cammyammy.

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Re: What is cooler? Boarding or skiing?
Date Posted: 12.52hrs on Fri 9 Dec 11
Grumpy Wrote:
I'm a boarder, nothing in the world would make me strap on the sticks of shame. Snowboarding is cooler than skiing, the vibe is better, you get to wear better clothes and more importantly you get more chicks when you're a boarder

Skiers tend to be self absorbed, uptight, middle class people who are not as friendly

Skiing is what people to who can't snowboard

Or in objective terms: Snowboarding is all about appearances and worrying about how others perceive you, whilst wasting your day sitting around, with a selfish lack of concern on how you impact on other slope users. Skiers are at peace with themselves, and just get on with enjoying the combination of snow and mountain, recognising that there's still time in the evening and out of season for sex.

By the way, do we take it from the OP comment that all female snowboarders are lesbian ?

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24th Apr 2013
Re: What is cooler? Boarding or skiing?
Date Posted: 12.56hrs on Fri 9 Dec 11
Don't know if this link worked
Great example of what can be done on a snowboard !

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31st Jul 2019
Re: What is cooler? Boarding or skiing?
Date Posted: 13.09hrs on Fri 9 Dec 11
snowboarding in hardboots, and on plate bindings, is cooler.

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28th Apr 2019
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Re: What is cooler? Boarding or skiing?
Date Posted: 13.26hrs on Fri 9 Dec 11
I am secure enough in myself to not give a toss as to what other people think is "cool".

Maybe the deeper question is why do you think you have to aske the question in the first place.
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