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Posts: 64
Joined: Feb 2009
Last Visited: 12:04
13th Jan 2017
RSS Feeds for the backcountry/climbing reports
Date Posted: 15.47hrs on Tue 13 Dec 11
As a suggestion for a improvement to the usability of the site it would be great if RSS (or ATOM) news feeds were available for the backcountry and climbing reports that are posted here: []
This would allow people to subscribe and follow these feeds easily. Currently only the blog has a rss feed.


Posts: 871
Joined: Jan 2009
Last Visited: 20:58
10th Aug 2019
Re: RSS Feeds for the backcountry/climbing reports
Date Posted: 09.51hrs on Fri 23 Dec 11
Yes this would be a great idea and it means that I would look more often. Simon Richardson's Scottish Winter site is excellent for that: []

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