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David Goldsmith

Posts: 1283
Joined: Feb 2003
Last Visited: 08:28
6th Nov 2018
Amazing snow drought on California Sierra mountains
Date Posted: 14.14hrs on Thu 5 Jan 12
They're sure having a rough time of it in California ...


... and Aspen in Colorado could also use some Scottish weather right now ...

Chris H

Posts: 1620
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Last Visited: 23:59
13th Mar 2020
Re: Amazing snow drought on California Sierra mountains
Date Posted: 21.53hrs on Thu 5 Jan 12
Yup, worst season in the western USA for many years, the east coast hasn't got much natural snow either. The only place that has 'normal' snow is the far Pacific Northwest (Mt Baker etc). Canada seems to be doing okay though.

The best conditions are found up in Alaska which is where the jet stream has been sending all the snow, e.g. Alyesya Resort has had over 30ft since Oct 1st - []

Sooner or later it will change though, I'm sure by the end of the month the Sierra's will be under the gun and when it starts snowing over there it really goes for it!

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2nd Dec 2024
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Re: Amazing snow drought on California Sierra mountains
Date Posted: 23.25hrs on Thu 5 Jan 12
I don't think we'll be seeing the Tahoe areas 'Attack of La Nina' marketing campaign for a while again!

This photo from Kirkwood says a lot:

Has to be said if it wasn't for snow making there would be no skiing around the Tahoe Basin.

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 23.26hrs Thu 5 Jan 12 by alan.
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