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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 19.33hrs on Thu 10 May 07
HTH Wrote:
> ut lacks the courage to do the right thing
> with the SNP. - A very disappointing
> Lack-of-Moral-Fibre.
I just don't understand that point of view. If "Party A" has a single issue that is of upmost importance to them, but is abhorrent to "Party B" - how can they possibly work together unless that single issue is removed from the table?
I think it would show a lack of fibre to work with a party that had such a policy that you cannot agree with. Breaking the Union is a very very serious issue, and has terrrible ramifications (the law of unintended consequences will bite the SNP on the arse, I tell you)
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 20.28hrs on Thu 10 May 07
What's with this notion that a referendum is some kind of abhorrent abomination William (and the Lib Dems these past 5 weeks)?
If its even debated in parliament will there be a plague of locusts? Should there be a referendum will the A74(M) be jammed all the way back to the not yet built M74 Northern Extension with cars stuffed with possessions and loaded with suit cases on the roof fleeing to England? If those remaining vote yes will fire and brimstone rain down on Scotland?
Well last Friday afternoon the SNP won an election and are now the biggest party in Parliament. On Saturday morning the sun still rose, it wasn't black, the moon wasn't blood red and I never saw a single horseman of the apocalypse on the walk into town....
Edited 2 times. Last edit at 20.31hrs Thu 10 May 07 by alan.
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 20.44hrs on Thu 10 May 07
Hahahahahahahaaa! classic!
William, I dont understand how the break-up of the union will be the end of Scotland, i can only see us gaining and "britain" suffering...
What would 7-800million do for us?
That is what the brits have overspent sorting out this new sub(killing machine) thats aboot tae get launched. Scotland doesnt need tae wasting that sort of cash on "Weapons Of Mass Destruction". Just doon the river there are enough "Weapons Of Mass Destruction" tae wipe oot this planet many times ower... Thats spending we deffo dont need...
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 20.52hrs on Thu 10 May 07
alan Wrote:
> What's with this notion that a referendum is some
> kind of abhorrent abomination William (and the Lib
> Dems these past 5 weeks)?
Some issues are abhorrent to Unionists.
Becoming a foreigner in your own land for example.
I'm not to happy with the scenario that any Tom Dick or Abdul can come to my country, live here for five minutes, and rightly call me a foreigner in my own land. That to me is abhorrent.
Councillors of all hues refuse to work with the BNP because they consider the BNP's policy of repatriation abhorrent.
I consider both these examples to be equally abhorrent.
You don't.
Fair enough.
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 21.11hrs on Thu 10 May 07
awww dont go intae aw that abdul stuff man...
I like these threads, they are a laugh and I learn shit fae having to go and find oot wit yous are on aboot, am praying this one dusnae get shut doon so am watching wit am saying...
But the BNP are cocks!!!!
Nobody really has the right to call the earth/land their own in a way.. But we should be entitled/forced to look after our own areas with no hidden agenda bar tae make that place better for everyone and evreything in it...
From what I see and have learned from here and there is that britain is the complete opposite, wherever they have went in history they have wrecked/ruined/bled dry for their own good and still do it to this very day and have done and continue to do to Scotland.. These islands are small yet look at the damage they have done to so many countries, and I'm not saying its the English people or Scottish people these were just mules of these inbred fooks that pull the strings and are only out for themselves...
Its time for a change.. I'm Scottish from Scotland and I want my country tae do well. England is not my country neither is Wales or Northern Ireland, (They should not be Englands/brit either). I dont mind them doing well or witever they want tae do, their people can pay for it, not Scotlands.
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 13.00hrs on Fri 11 May 07
growwild Wrote:
> Nobody really has the right to call the earth/land
> their own in a way.. But we should be
> entitled/forced to look after our own areas with
> no hidden agenda bar tae make that place better
> for everyone and evreything in it...
England is not
> my country neither is Wales or Northern Ireland,
> (They should not be Englands/brit either). I dont
> mind them doing well or witever they want tae do,
> their people can pay for it, not Scotlands.
I think the feeling of what you are and where you are from grows from your environment and it does make you feel different to others, and does inform your opinions. Definitely.
I'm not sure if you can change it that easily. It's not a political thing. Many people can swing left to right depending on the politcal climate and what they think is good for them or their country .
Being a Unionist or a Scottish Nationalist is a different kettle of fish. We can all argue why we are so, but it is difficult to change anybody's feelings.
The things that make the Union special for me are things that Grow hates. I feel that every inch of this Island is my home. Which is the opposite view of the Scottish Nationalists. I can respect that, but I don't understand the logic.
I don't really know what seperates the English and The Scots, other than a line on a map. They have stood shoulder to shoulder for centuries and made this country, a tiny island in the north Atlantic, the best country in the world. (I've lived all over the world, and we all whinge about this country, but it is the BEST). A famous country that does have respect all around the world. A country that has stood up to bullies and tyrants and stepped in to help when others watched.
Sometimes you don't know what you've got till it's gone. (which can't come soon enough for some!)
Edited 2 times. Last edit at 14.20hrs Fri 11 May 07 by William.
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 06.29hrs on Sat 12 May 07
I duuno how much respect britain has round the world, if any now after stealing oil and murdering so many inoccents.... Maybe they have respect from America-Isreal the real axis of fooking evil, but who wants respect from these murdering tramps?
Ya never get the attitude aff folk abroad casue they think yer brit/english, then they totaly change after ya explain yer Scottish?
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 08.03hrs on Sat 12 May 07
Several years ago, mrs & I were hiking in Corsica.
We stopped at a fairly scruffy local winery for some refreshments and after one guy politely asked us where we came from in French and we had replied, his buddy across the room asked in reasonable english,
"When will Scotland become independant from London?"
We left a couple of hours later, feeling very respected.
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 21.02hrs on Sat 12 May 07
growwild Wrote:
> Ya never get the attitude aff folk abroad casue
> they think yer brit/english, then they totaly
> change after ya explain yer Scottish?
Maybe, but maybe because they don't understand Scottish History!
The Scottish writer William Dalrymple, whilst writing in India, often came across a similar situation. Indians would empathise (if that's the right word) with him, as a Scot, because they considered that both India and Scotland had been victims of the British Empire. It was a source of continued embarrassment because he knew that the Scottish were the biggest Empire builders of all. And the experience of colonial Indians was because of Scottish Empire builders.
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 19.53hrs on Sun 13 May 07
I know the Scottish had a good bit tae do with the empire, but maybe the Indians would empathise with the Scots because they were/are the nice people had have great people skills and were very clever people compared to the english at the time yet were still under foreign rule as were they..
Its true the empire would never of existed without us, but maybe we were the good guys in it, the vast majority of land owned/pinched was English but the managers of these lands were Scottish, and our engineering skills and our Doctors that our great wee country produced problay showed these people that we were different and thats maybe why the Scottish have so much respect in the world to this day..
Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 20.42hrs on Sun 13 May 07
William,'this country' or 'tiny island' as you describe it,is not one cou ntry,but three countries.Northern Ireland is part of far as i'm concerned Independance can't come quick enough,both for SCOTLAND and for WALES.When i'm abroad,i also find that people's attitude changes when they find out i'm SCOTTISH,not british or english.
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Last Visited: 08:32 12th Apr 2008
Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 14.59hrs on Mon 14 May 07
> William,'this country' or 'tiny island' as you
> describe it,is not one cou ntry,but three
> countries.
That's your opinion.
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 15.01hrs on Mon 14 May 07
growwild Wrote:
>Its true the empire would never of existed without
> us, but maybe we were the good guys in it,
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 16.25hrs on Mon 14 May 07
William Wrote:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> William,'this country' or 'tiny island' as
> you
> describe it,is not one cou ntry,but three
> countries.
That's your opinion.
William, what Scottish72 wrote is not Opinion, it is FACT. The United Kingdom is a political Union of nations, NOT a single nation or country which ever you wish to call it.
If the Act of Union created a single nation to go with the new union there would only be one legal and education system on this Island for a start.
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 18.19hrs on Mon 14 May 07
What I wish to call it? The UK is not a single country?
"The United Kingdom is a country located off the northwestern coast of mainland Europe." That's from my Encyclopaedia Britannica. Of course, the name of the book may offend, but it was written by Scots nonetheless.
From Wiki, less authoritative for most, but: "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a country and sovereign state that lies to the northwest of mainland Europe"
Many countries have differing legal and education systems. The USA is a prime example. Although Scotland does have a different legal system to England and Wales, any laws which are counter to the laws of the UK were null and void after the Act of Union. Westminster can, and does (and to more and more Brussells) pass laws which are binding across the UK.
The Kingdom of Scotland was created by political means, so was the United Kingdom. The Kingdom of Scotland ceased to exist as an independent country by political means, so may the United Kingdom.
Was the Kingdom of Strathclyde not a country in the same sense as The Kingdom Scotland? Is it not logical to assume that Scotland was a Union of smaller Kingdoms? (created by less peaceful means). As was England?
I was born In Britain, my ethnicity is British, my nationality is British and I am a British citizen. And proud to be so. Of course, that is just MY opinion. Your opinion may differ.
Edited 2 times. Last edit at 18.21hrs Mon 14 May 07 by William.