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Posts: 237
Joined: Feb 2006
Last Visited: 15:13
30th Mar 2021
Look to the heavens
Date Posted: 22.28hrs on Fri 12 Dec 08
The largest full moon in 15 years tonight due to its proximity to earth as well as the Gemini meteor shower almost at its peak, and its Cloudy!! Typical.

Here a link explaining the meteors in case anyone has a better view than me, 50 - 80 shooting stars an hour sounds impressive. Plenty of chances to wish for a good winter smiling smiley

Posts: 3550
Joined: Oct 2005
Re: Look to the heavens
Date Posted: 23.28hrs on Fri 12 Dec 08
Its raining here and a bit stormy

Youl get a shock if my wishes comes true eye rolling smiley

I got lost in space in here cause I cannae see smiling smiley
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