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Joined: Mar 2013
Last Visited: 11:39
3rd Jun 2013
Re: STUDIO 'dag' cartoons?
Date Posted: 09.34hrs on Thu 7 Mar 13
My Dad vaguely remembers doing the cartoons for the banners - many many years ago. It's pretty obviously him chatting to the lift man and distracting him as his pupils don't show their tickets in one of the ones about 'how to queue'. Which bizzarely seems to have a tick rather than a cross!!

He is currently doing an updated Lecht poster so that might be on sale next year.


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21st Jul 2018
Re: STUDIO 'dag' cartoons?
Date Posted: 09.21hrs on Wed 18 Jul 18
Moving house is an upheaval for sure but does reward in many ways one of them was finding a box of posters some of which are works of the good man himself. Aviemore was the place of choice while still at school and frequently visited from 76-81.
One such trip we were taken across a 'Traverse'closely following Doug and another chap (freddie?) who were hilarious and made the day a lot of fun. On return to the lodge we had the opportunity to chat and Doug showed us some of his work. Think our entire party bought a poster or two and Doug was kind enough to sign them with a personal message. Great times,cherished memories.


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21st Jul 2018
Re: STUDIO 'dag' cartoons?
Date Posted: 19.28hrs on Wed 18 Jul 18
Circa 81.

Attachments: SKI1.jpg (1125kB)  

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21st Jul 2018
Re: STUDIO 'dag' cartoons?
Date Posted: 19.30hrs on Wed 18 Jul 18
Have 3 in total here is the second. The 3rd is one that has already been posted.

Attachments: ski2b.PNG (569kB)  

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Last Visited: 16:31
21st Jul 2018
Re: STUDIO 'dag' cartoons?
Date Posted: 19.35hrs on Wed 18 Jul 18
Have 3 in total, one of which has already been posted. Here is the 2nd.

Attachments: ski2b.PNG (569kB)  

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7th Apr 2019
Re: STUDIO 'dag' cartoons?
Date Posted: 17.19hrs on Sat 15 Dec 18
I've been away from the site for a while and am just catching up with 'Dag' posts. In those days Doug lived in Boat of Garten and worked as a ski instructor (and BASI trainer) on Cairngorm back in the day. I first met him on an instructor course in the 80's and he impressed me and his other students with his laid back but knowledgeable style. His sense of humour along with a friendly approach put us at ease and enabled us to learn and develop both as skiers and instructors - he was (and I'm sure still is) a real gentle-man, in all senses of the word. His 'type' of trainer and instructor are sadly missing these days!

Fond memories - enjoy your retirement Doug

Roger Clare

roger clare

Dave Simpson

Re: STUDIO 'dag' cartoons?
Date Posted: 20.01hrs on Thu 3 Mar 22
I don’t know if anyone will see this given it’s allot of years on but worth a try.

Recently moved into the house Doug Built on the Black Isle and have come across one of these posters Hence finding this thread.

It’s “The compleat Ski School Pupil” poster that gave us all a really good laugh.

Suzy if you do get this and it’s something you would like to have kept let me know I would be happy to post to you.

If not I might frame it and put it in the sun room.


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