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Joined: Nov 1994
Last Visited: 21:35 2nd Dec 2024
Got a Login Problem?
Date Posted: 14.14hrs on Sun 7 Dec 08
Login Issues:
The forum membership system makes use of cookies to identify logged in members. Cookies are basically small text files, the Winterhighland site uses cookies to store a unique session ID that allows the server to identify registered members that are logged into Winterhighland and serve them appropriate content and options that are not available to visitors who are not logged in.
The most common reason for login problems is restrictions in browser settings on accepting cookies. Solution: Check cookies are enabled.
Cookies must be enabled in order to remain logged in and your browser must be able to send the cookie to the Winterhighland server. Over zealous security applications or browser security settings may prevent this. Solution: Check security software is not blocking cookies.
Occasionally some combinations of browser/Operating system and settings result in the browser accepting a new session cookie from the server without deleting the old one. This can result in the browser sending an invalid session cookie to the Winterhighland server. When this happens the server can not identify the user or unset the cookie.
One cause of this happening is that in order to 'delete' an old cookie phorum re-sends the cookie with the expiration time set in the past. The time has to be far enough in the past to account for different time zones, but some browser and/or security settings may block this cookie due to the time being in the past.
If you are experiencing login problems and cookies are enabled, DELETE all cookies from the domain winterhighland.info. DO NOT delete ALL cookies or you will be logged out of every website you visit that you login to with cookies.
Edited 5 times. Last edit at 00.26hrs Sun 27 Aug 23 by winterhighland.
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