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Re: HIE: Planning Application for DEMOLITION of Ciste Basestation
Date Posted: 15.28hrs on Thu 23 Jan 14
The upper Cafe level was re-roofed in 2000 and had a new toilet put in, and was then used as administrative offices for a number of years.

The idea of demolishing this building to keep the mountain environment tidy is a bit hard to take when the parking area in front of it is treated as a landfill site. sad smiley

There is no pressing need for demolishing this building other than making sure it can't be used in the future.

As for tidying up the mountain - have you had a look around the Aonach Poma loading rig or top bullwheel site or the mid-station of the Chairlift where a hut and wooden decking was demolished and the debris left scattered around the site.


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14th Sep 2024
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Re: HIE: Planning Application for DEMOLITION of Ciste Basestation
Date Posted: 15.35hrs on Thu 23 Jan 14
Aside from that, one thing Strathspey lacks is a dedicated MTB trail head/centre. While you have the Laggan Wolftrax not that far away, there is nothing within the Aviemore area itself.

The Ciste base presented a fairly unique opportunity to base a trailhead on the changeover from forest below to mountain above. With the potential for a mix of lift served easier graded trails than currently are not available elsewhere, plus new forest trails that could have tied into existing tracks and paths in Glenmore. Indeed even trails leading down into the forest would have merit as the bus outwith winter is kitted for taking a number of mountain bikes back up the hill.

Situated at the forests edge the Ciste could be such a base in a way that Coire Cas could not be. I have little doubt that HIE wont allow the Chairlifts to be used because they are obsessed with forcing people onto the Funicular, even if operating the chairlifts would mean CairnGorm Mountain had wider appeal and brought in more customers who wouldn't use the Funicular. There is the summer aspect to this, but of course for snowsports the West Wall Chair would make virtually the full area accessible without use of surface lifts - a completely unique selling point in Scottish Snowsports.

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10th Aug 2019
Re: HIE: Planning Application for DEMOLITION of Ciste Basestation
Date Posted: 00.02hrs on Sat 25 Jan 14
With a bit of vision applications and business plans for the ciste uplift could have been sorted within a few years. Instead the place has been left to rot.

Does FOI apply to CML?

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26th Jan 2014
Re: HIE: Planning Application for DEMOLITION of Ciste Basestation
Date Posted: 08.39hrs on Sat 25 Jan 14
Whinge.... whinge..... moan moan moan

Who gives a toss about some crappy building ...Nobody (apart from some moaning old crusties on here)

Heres the news folks .... nobody gives a shit


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8th Dec 2014
Re: HIE: Planning Application for DEMOLITION of Ciste Basestation
Date Posted: 10.36hrs on Sat 25 Jan 14
I think this building is a key element to the resurrection of skiing in this area. But to be honest it really need replaced or refurbished IF skiing is to return to the ciste as I can't see them as being fit for use. But I'm disappointed that they've made this move with no obvious foresight to constructing a replacement.

The chairs and the base building worked together well, without one is there much hope for the other? I don't think so.

David Goldsmith

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6th Nov 2018
Re: HIE: Planning Application for DEMOLITION of Ciste Basestation
Date Posted: 11.16hrs on Sat 25 Jan 14
The present arrangement of shuttle-bussing people back to the Cas carpark when they've skied the Ciste is - of course - bonkers, but is CML's best (and creditable) attempt to make the mountain work.

Somebody needs to finance the replacement of the Ciste+West Wall chairs and - yes - with a proper building at the base, even if it's just got toilets and a ticket office. If Cairngorm's revenues (good news about electronic ticketing) can move things back to 'normal' we can all celebrate in a BIG way!

The Ciste Gully, Aonach and West Wall consistently offer some of Scotland's most spectacular skiing.

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26th Jan 2014
Re: HIE: Planning Application for DEMOLITION of Ciste Basestation
Date Posted: 13.01hrs on Sat 25 Jan 14
No, you need to get yourself in the back corries at the nevis range if you REALLY want spectacular skiing


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11th Aug 2019
Re: HIE: Planning Application for DEMOLITION of Ciste Basestation
Date Posted: 17.36hrs on Sat 25 Jan 14
Nude Mdel. Some of the Old Crusties have forgotten more about Scottish Skiing than you will ever be able to store in your Pea-Sized Brain ! Or is it a Brian in your case ?

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7th Apr 2019
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Re: HIE: Planning Application for DEMOLITION of Ciste Basestation
Date Posted: 17.55hrs on Sat 25 Jan 14
Gorminator Wrote:
Nude Mdel. Some of the Old Crusties have forgotten more about Scottish Skiing than you will ever be able to store in your Pea-Sized Brain ! Or is it a Brian in your case ?

Very well said George.

The new operator should be announced shortly...lets hope that they have some positive ideas [and the capital] to take things forward.

Kind regards


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26th Jan 2014
Re: HIE: Planning Application for DEMOLITION of Ciste Basestation
Date Posted: 21.04hrs on Sat 25 Jan 14
Gorminator Wrote:
Nude Mdel. Some of the Old Crusties have forgotten more about Scottish Skiing than you will ever be able to store in your Pea-Sized Brain ! Or is it a Brian in your case ?

cry me a river

I don't give a toss

Posts: 667
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11th Aug 2019
Re: HIE: Planning Application for DEMOLITION of Ciste Basestation
Date Posted: 21.35hrs on Sat 25 Jan 14
I think it was a toss that created you mate !!! If you are such an authority, why do you hide ?
I don't think you would manage a toss anyway !!
some frustrated skier

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16th Feb 2021
Re: HIE: Planning Application for DEMOLITION of Ciste Basestation
Date Posted: 22.10hrs on Sat 25 Jan 14
Hopefully Serco & Retreats have been binned. I hope CML are allowed to carry on, give them a chance to thrive and invest profits. I won't hold my breath about the promised millions from HIE.
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