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14th Dec 2023
Glenshee Summer 2015 Improvements
Date Posted: 22.57hrs on Thu 12 Feb 15
Have heard various stories of two (not one, but TWO) new chairlifts to be installed at Glenshee. The first is the obvious replacement of the Cairnwell Chairlift which I believe to be a three-man. I've also heard about a quad in the middle valley, running from the Meall Odhar café. Is this replacing Caenlochan and the MO T-bar? Or will it go back up towards the car parks?
Also, will these both really cost all that two-and-a-half million or is some of it to be spent on other stuff?

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Re: Glenshee Summer 2015 Improvements
Date Posted: 23.23hrs on Thu 12 Feb 15
The Tiger Triple to replace the Cairnwell Chairlift has been granted planning permission.

No application has yet been made re a Meall Odhar Chairlift and exactly what form or where there will be is as I understand it not set in stone yet. The Meall Odhar Poma area would be less exposed than the Caenlochan, the top of the Meall Odhar Poma area would also directly connect in with the Fionn Pomas and allow access/return when snow was scarce on Meall Odhar. The MO Poma area (different alignment though) was certainly the front runner previously, but given the removal of the T-bar perhaps thinking has changed. Had the chair gone in previously, I'd have expected the Caenlochan and MO Pomas to have been scrapped and the MO T-bar retained (possibly extended, or fenced runs created to link up into Coire Fionn easier).
some frustrated skier

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16th Feb 2021
Re: Glenshee Summer 2015 Improvements
Date Posted: 09.33hrs on Fri 13 Feb 15
Is the new chair to start construction this spring/summer?

Will it open for the 15/16 season?

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14th Dec 2023
Re: Glenshee Summer 2015 Improvements
Date Posted: 10.40hrs on Fri 13 Feb 15
some frustrated skier Wrote:
Is the new chair to start construction this spring/summer?

Will it open for the 15/16 season?

Planning approval has been given for this to happen and I heard that Glenshee hoped it would be open for the 15/16 season!

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25th Jul 2019
Re: Glenshee Summer 2015 Improvements
Date Posted: 19.38hrs on Fri 13 Feb 15
From a very non-direct source I believe a new 2 man chairlift will link Cluny to Coire Fionn and is planned for the 16/17 season and the second hand 3 man will go in this summer. I guess it might be still in service so won't get posted until the end of the season wherever it is.


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17th Jul 2017
Re: Glenshee Summer 2015 Improvements
Date Posted: 11.36hrs on Mon 16 Feb 15
Was about to ask the same question as calum.shep, very exciting to have to new chairs at the shee.
A chair over MO would make a big difference but was there not a plan at one point to have the chair starting from the carpark. This would mean easy access to the snow fields on Fionn and GM in lean winters and late season?

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14th Dec 2023
Re: Glenshee Summer 2015 Improvements
Date Posted: 16.21hrs on Mon 16 Feb 15
Again, from a very indirect source I've heard about various plans for improvements over the Glas Maol side, like a new road and car park or chair from the road up. Both would be interesting, the first one being preferred as a chairlift would be rather long...

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2nd May 2019
Re: Glenshee Summer 2015 Improvements
Date Posted: 16.35hrs on Mon 16 Feb 15
one of these would be good!


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Re: Glenshee Summer 2015 Improvements
Date Posted: 18.53hrs on Mon 16 Feb 15
Andy Wrote:
one of these would be good!

You can knock 10-15mph of the wind tolerance of the lift immediately! So the day's you'd most want to have a covered chair, the cover is likely to stop the Chair running.

Loads of $$$$ been invested in and around Tahoe in CA in modern detachable lifts, not one chairlift has covers - for that very reason. They wont to be able to run the chairlifts in a blizzard so people can get out for a powder day!

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Re: Glenshee Summer 2015 Improvements
Date Posted: 21.47hrs on Mon 16 Feb 15
I wonder how reliable the sensitive electronic controls and complex running gear would be in the very high humidities of upland Scotland ? These lifts are designed for drier climates and I could imagine they are less tolerant to being clobbered with wooden batons and copper hammers to deice them, compared to t bars or pomas.

I've also read that modern high speed lifts are only expected to have a 20 year life. Perhaps because of the complexity and number of moving parts? A good reason to install simple fixed grip chairs.
some frustrated skier

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16th Feb 2021
Re: Glenshee Summer 2015 Improvements
Date Posted: 22.35hrs on Mon 16 Feb 15
I can remember the first days of the funicular being operated for skiing and the doors jamming up because the air in the pneumatic rams had frozen in the cold/high moisture content. Mega red faces that day.

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Re: Glenshee Summer 2015 Improvements
Date Posted: 22.43hrs on Mon 16 Feb 15
I've also read that modern high speed lifts are only expected to have a 20 year life.

I believe this has more to do with regular replacement cycles in France because of the regulatory regime in place there.

In terms of keeping older lifts going, Kirkwood, CA major front chairlifts are now 43 years old (older than the Ciste Chairs on CairnGorm) and will continue to be in operation indefinitely. One of the original Yan Triples, Chair 6 (Cornice) underwent an in-line upgrade to a high speed quad in 1999 and is now in it's 16th year of operation. It wont be getting replaced any decade soon! If you hammer the lift at full pelt all the time things will certainly need a lot more upkeep and replaced a lot more frequently, big difference in running a high speed detachable at 6m/s flat out and 4m/s which is still comfortably more than double a fixed grip.

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3rd Apr 2021
Re: Glenshee Summer 2015 Improvements
Date Posted: 09.31hrs on Tue 17 Feb 15
I think you'll find many high level detachable chairs with hoods throughout the Alps. They regularly endure very high winds and very low teperatures. It's all a bit academic though since they're talking about 2nd hand fixed grip chairs. A modern demountable would set you back £4m or more going by recent investments in the Alps.

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14th Dec 2023
Re: Glenshee Summer 2015 Improvements
Date Posted: 19.16hrs on Tue 17 Feb 15
Plus there's not really that much point in a high speed up the Tiger as it's not that long. Surely people are able to handle fixed grip if they can handle the current state of the chair, hehe.
But a detachable would be rather funky

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17th Jul 2017
Re: Glenshee Summer 2015 Improvements
Date Posted: 11.36hrs on Mon 23 Mar 15
Anyone know whats going to happen to the old tiger chairs? I for one would be interested in buying a chair
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