Re: Snowsport Scotland and Ski-Scotland want to boost participation ... via survey
Gorminator Wrote:
So how did it take them so long to get this together ?
Come on guys, give them a break :-) Let's look forward and see what comes out of this survey, rather than wondering why this hasn't been done before (maybe it has, I've got vague recollections of previous surveys). Usually it's a question of resources - the organizations supporting Scottish Snowsports are very all very small. I am sure there will be some things we all "know", and some insights that will surprise us. when I say "know", I mean that the data will confirm our opinions/beliefs, so I'm sure this will be a very useful exercise *if* enough people can be persuaded to fill in the survey.
This survey has been put out on the Facebook pages of most of the resorts (I've def seen it on Glencoe, Glenshee and maybe even the Lecht). So it's been published reasonably widely, but I wonder if running it in the middle of the summer holiday season will catch as many respondents as it would if run at other times of the year.
The request for geographic data is important, as Snowweasel outlines above, and is a reasonable request IMHO
So rather than moaning about this survey, how about we all share the URL with any skiing colleagues/friends etc and do our bit to helping making the results as meaningful as possible.
I'm hoping that the results - or at least a summary - will be shared as I am sure all of us on this forum will be interested in them