matty Wrote:
flugeryl, Peters is correct.the auction is on Saturday. a lot of interest and i even heard someone say they would go up to a grand if they had to! should be a good fun day even for the people who are Gluevein or however you spell that hot wine stuff!
Glühwein is the correct spelling. Did you have Glühwein weather to match? I would have loved to buy a chair, but the £550 minimum would have been well beyond my budget and it would have ended up in a storage room for an indefinite period any way.
One random (and very anorak like) thought, what shade/brand of yellow did Glenshee actually paint these chairs? If you want to keep your chair in proper authentic condition for years to come you need the right paint. I'm guessing it's probably changed from time to time over the years depending on what was available (and cheap).