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Re: 2016 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 18.23hrs on Sat 2 Jul 16
Here are the other 3 photos: 3372 -- most of the Cairn Bannoch ones; 3373 -- Carn a Coire Bhoidheach; 3379 -- Coire of Loch nan Eun.

Attachments: IMG_3372 (640x480).jpg (157kB)   IMG_3373 (640x480).jpg (175kB)   IMG_3379 (640x480).jpg (150kB)  

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Re: 2016 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 21.12hrs on Sat 2 Jul 16
Reports and photos received by me today showing snow on Ben Nevis.


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Re: 2016 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 12.15hrs on Mon 4 Jul 16
Hopefully people can see this. A video on Facebook of snow falling on Ben Nevis, Saturday 2nd July.



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Re: 2016 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 22.13hrs on Mon 4 Jul 16
I was at a family gathering in the Loch Tay, Glenlyon area over the weekend. Not much snow at all visible in the area though the clag was down a lot of the time. Nothing at all visible from the South or East on the Glenlyon hills.One little patch could be seen on Lawers itself. One also on NE side of Meall Garbh but when cloud broke on Sunday I could not see it. The usual patch on North side of An Stuc is there and looks likely to be the last in the area. My cousin and her husband also said that there were a couple of small patches just off the Tarmachan ridge and one in a hollow on the ridge by Coire Riadhailt when they climbed it last week.This was one that lasted to August last year.They could also see some snow to the West.[Meall Ghaordaidh perhaps?]


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Re: 2016 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 20.36hrs on Thu 7 Jul 16
Helen was up at Ciste Mhearad today, and got some rather splendid photos. Talk of a very deep crevasse! []


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Re: 2016 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 07.41hrs on Fri 15 Jul 16
Some updates from around the country!

First of all, Jamie was up on the Loch Treig Munros yesterday and got a decent picture of Aonach Mor and Aonach Beag. Both are carrying decent amounts of snow: [] (PS, can someone let me know if this link doesn't work, as it's a FB account).

I was up in the Cairngorms over the last few days doing some filming with the BBC for a couple of TV shows. I managed to get some good shots of some of the usual suspects, and you can see them here: []

Garbh Choire Mor by Iain Cameron, on Flickr

I was up An Stuc on the 8th July, and found the last snow of the Lawers range quite small. I'd say it'll be close to being going by now: []

Andy Meldrum reports that the Cuidhe Chrom of Ben More at Crianlarich is virtually gone, and will be unlikely to last past today or tomorrow.


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Re: 2016 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 17.27hrs on Sun 24 Jul 16
Great day yesterday on Ben Nevis with Al Todd. We went up into Observatory Gully as far as Point 5 to get a look at how much was left. Although there's far less than 2015 (and 2014 for that matter), there's still a fair amount. The main Point 5 patch is 60-odd metres long, and over 10 metres deep. It's very impressive to be down the back, as usual, and we got up to it via a tunnel that runs from bottom to top.

Al at Point 5 by Iain Cameron, on Flickr

The main Catskin patch is still very large indeed. Somewhere in the region of 200-250m I would estimate. There will still be 12m+ depth in the middle. This will be the last on the hill to go.

Me on Tower Ridge, looking towards Observatory Gully by Iain Cameron, on Flickr

When we finished we went up Tower Ridge, the first bit of mountaineering I've ever done. Although the exposure on the eastern traverse of the Great Tower was unnerving, it was as nothing compared to Tower Gap, which was horrendous! However, under Al's superb direction I was across it in no time. All-in-all, a superb mountain day.

Also, here's a picture from yesterday of the Mullardoch hills, showing snow on the usual supects (my comment on the picture shows what hills they are).

Strathfarrar 4 (5 of 29) by GaryE1981, on Flickr


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Re: 2016 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 08.52hrs on Fri 29 Jul 16
A couple of weeks ago I did a day's filming with the BBC at the Feith Buidhe slabs in the Cairngorms. The piece went out last night on The One Show, and can be viewed here: []

Overall I think it's a reasonable piece, with little hyperbole. It has stimulated a bit of interest already so all to the good!


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Re: 2016 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 16.14hrs on Fri 29 Jul 16
I enjoyed that.Thanks for sharing.


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Re: 2016 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 06.54hrs on Mon 1 Aug 16
...and yet again! Here's a link to Countryfile, which ran a piece on snow patches last night.


Fast forward to 14 minutes, where the section starts.


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Re: 2016 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 06.58hrs on Mon 1 Aug 16
Some great images from Al Todd of Creag Meagaidh, which he was up a few days ago.



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Re: 2016 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 11.59hrs on Tue 2 Aug 16
Excellent piece on Countryfile smiling smiley


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Re: 2016 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 17.29hrs on Fri 5 Aug 16
Doesn't look like long left for the Headwall patch now in Coire Cas on CairnGorm - from the webcam at Loch Morlich.

Updating Cam: []

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 17.31hrs Fri 5 Aug 16 by alan.

Attachments: morlich-2016.08.05.12.crop.jpg (73kB)  

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Re: 2016 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 17.36hrs on Mon 8 Aug 16
Last of the patch on the headwall of Coire Cas melted yesterday.


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31st Jul 2019
Re: 2016 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 18.32hrs on Sun 14 Aug 16
coire an lochan patches earlier today

Attachments: lochan.jpg (439kB)  
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