To-day was a day of firsts.
First time all lifts have run in over two years, including the day lodge and car park.
First time all three car parks were full to capacity and shuttle buses running in over two years.
First time top to ciste car park skiing using Ritas Ridge in over two years.
The recent storms and snow falls have improved the skiing immensely even in the last two days there have been big improvements. The cas is catching a lot of snow and the pistie beasties have manage to push enough into the gun barrel to flatten it out.
The Aonoch bowl which was scrapped the other day now has softer snow, You still have to watch for heather patches but now they are much further apart.
Jeans Bowl and the Fiacaill area are catching the snow too giving fresh tracks to those who like that
The Lady is wide and in good condition.
One area that was a no go was the west wall and ciste gully, there is a high avalanche risk here. If you attempt this the lifties have been given strict instruction not to allow you back on the lift and you will have to walk out. Is there really a risk, you bet! We skied Rita's Ridge for the first time in two years. It has the same aspect as the west wall and even in the shallow snow depth we manage to trigger two very small slides of snow. The west wall is loaded with snow and is unstable, don't go there.
The pisted runs are great all over the mountain. The cas is wide on both sides of the fences and many were making use of the pisted run over by the fiacaill back the the cas t-bar.
Other than the car parks being full you would not have believed it was half term. With all the lifts open and ample pistes, on and off, the mountain swallowed up all the people with very few queues. Occasionally if two or more ski classes turned up you had a 5 minute or so wait but nothing to annoy you.
One area that need addressing urgently is the load area of the cas. With the new gantry the loading is now very different than before and even a short line leads back under the car park bull wheel. I came down the cas after lunch and there was a large congregation of people standing all over the t-bar unload waiting for the cas loading, folks coming up the car park had no where to get off and were letting the bars fly into the crowd. There is going to be a serious accident here. This area is needs planning and active management.
The weather was changeable, sunny with little wind in the morning, cold and crisp. Then by the afternoon snow showers were passing through reducing vis for a while and some major wind gusts. Then out would come the sun again, a mixed bag.
If you are coming up in the next few days be here early if you want to park in the cas carparks. By 09:00 the lower cas was full. In saying that if you do have the ability skiing back to the ciste car park is great fun. not for lower intermediate skiers or if you do not like unpisted runs.
Over all a great day.
The lower slopes are catching snow though if you look at the fences it is not all that deep yet but the heather is covered,
Jeans Bowl has caught fresh snow and was very nice indeed, all the way back to the Fiacaill Poma.
The aonoch is much improved too from a couple of days ago.
The lady is wide top to bottom.
Rita's Ridge, first time in over two years, full of snow but you do have to pick your way just above the car park. Ptarmigan to ciste car park, over 2 miles of a continuous run. Not quite Tignes, but it make me happy!
Edited 1 times. Last edit at 21.08hrs Sun 11 Feb 18 by WindyMiller.
White Lady.JPG (157kB)
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