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Posts: 116
Joined: Dec 2002
Last Visited: 20:40
19th Jan 2025
Forum LOGINS reactivated
Date Posted: 20.54hrs on Thu 18 Feb 21
Following discovery in February 2021 of a partial password hash breach we took the decision to remove user credentials from the server.

While we prepare years of phorum content for a modern commercial web community platform, we have restored user accounts to phorum where the user account has been active since account creation with at least 1 post or snow report. A large number of accounts which had only been used to read the forum and not actively participated were deleted previously.

If you had a secure old password, this will be available to use once as a temporary passcode to enable you to create a new password - the new passwords must be a minimum of 10 characters, plus contain a mix of capital and lowercase characters, along with at least one punctuation character.

These passwords are not using the phorum system and will carry over beyond phorum to our new mountain sports community in due course.

If your account was active but the old password hash was known to be insecure, attempting to generate a new password will not be possible, please email the address at the foot of this page for assistance!

Pre moderation guest posting is enabled so it is still possible to post without a login for now, and we will approve posts regularly.

If your username can not be found, it was likely removed from the user database for having no content linked to it. New account registrations are now open again.

More information regarding the password leak in which 2222 forum password hashes were found to be insecure can be read on the announcement.

Edited 4 times. Last edit at 23.10hrs Sun 27 Aug 23 by winterhighland.
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