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Re: Winterhighland Guest Book
Date Posted: 00.08hrs on Thu 30 Sep 04
It's not unknown for the A9 to be closed for days, but it is rare. In such bad conditiions it is more likely the A9 will close shortly after dusk and be re-opened as soon as possible after first light, local radio or the Matrix signs should warn of estimated closing time. Under such conditions traffic may be organized in convoys with a blower and plough leading, and a plough following up the rear, when drifting is heavy and visbility very poor, so expect substantial delays. However be warned, BEAR Scotland seem to be much quicker to shut the gates than the Highland Council were.

Until BEAR took over it was unheard of for the A9 to be shut between Inverness and Strathspey, it just didnt get closed, it has been closed on numerous occasions since Bear took over. sad smiley!

In 2001 the Highland Council would throw whatever it took to keep it open. Numerous nights heading up to the Slochd with a 8inchs to a foot of lying snow, perodic white outs and visibility 10feet at best, but the constant ploughing kept the drift depths down to passable levels, BEAR just give up and save their fuel bills! sad smiley

To underline the point, made it to Aberdeen via the A939 one day the A96 was closed last winter, 'nuff said!

Yorkshire Snowman

Re: Winterhighland Guest Book
Date Posted: 15.44hrs on Thu 30 Sep 04
Hello all :-)

I've just been reading the previous posts and while we're desperately hoping for lots of snow during our stay in December at Nethy Bridge, it looks like we're going to need an alternative route in case we hit problems on the way up from Yorkshire.

It will be quite close to Christmas when we travel, returning home on Christmas Eve and I can remember the snow that fell last New Years Eve. We don't mind getting snowed in, as long as we make it there!

Golden Oldie

Re: Winterhighland Guest Book
Date Posted: 07.18hrs on Sat 30 Oct 04
I know nothings guaranteed but what is the BEST time to ski in Scotland - we'll be travelling from London and want to try to get a couple of days skiing in - hear so many reports of bad weather etc.

Came previously in March/April time and had a whole weeks wonderful skiing in Aviemore.

Would like to try Glenshee .....

Am open to everyone's advice .......

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17th Apr 2016
Re: Winterhighland Guest Book
Date Posted: 18.51hrs on Mon 1 Nov 04
March - April is probably the best time to ski in Scotland - although having said that when I learnt to ski in the late 80's and early 90's we had some good snow at Glen Shee in mid-late February. And on occasions I've had marvellous ski-ing well into May too.
Hope that helps, best thing though is to be as flexible as possible - and see where the best snow is closer to the time you pick - the east and west can be very different.
Bear in mind too that the Telemark festival will (hopefully) be on some time in March at Glen Shee...

Have fun!
smiling smiley

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16th Apr 2010
Re: Winterhighland Guest Book
Date Posted: 17.59hrs on Tue 2 Nov 04
These days, if you want the best skiing Scotland has to offer, you need to watch the conditions and be able to drop everything (i.e. work...) and come immediately. Booking in advance is, sadly, likely to disappoint. So IMHO the best time to ski is when the snow is thickest! Having said that, I agree with telechic that March/April is the best if there's skiable cover. If you can ski off piste, then you should be able to find something.

Scottish Spring skiing can be astounding. Again IMHO, when conditions are good there is little to beat it anywhere in Europe. I've had some of the best days of my life skiing down Scottish mountains on ribbons of snow between the heather, and cutting down the edge of snow-filled burns in the hot sunshine. Even on days where the view from the car window says "Go home", I've had fantastic skiing.

If you are a resort-only skier then the choice is more limited (due to the weather) but again if you can come at short notice then you should get something.

Alan's right about the roads though. Last year was a joke. Those of us with 4x4s have less of an advantage these days because the authorities tend to close the road with undue haste. It's getting almost as bad as England. In balance however, I was waved through a roadblock last Hogmanay only to sit in a queue for an hour because some morons had tried to overtake each other in a foot of snow and blocked both lanes. At the front of the queue was a guy in a new Mini with 2 inches of ground clearance! With that kind of stupidity about, who can blame the Police (as it was here) for closing the roads?


Posts: 25
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Re: Winterhighland Guest Book
Date Posted: 20.26hrs on Fri 5 Nov 04
Totally agree... Northern Constabulary close the A9 at the slightest excuse. It's got worse over the years (and the snowfall is less) but all it takes is a few inches on the road and they'll shut it overnight. BEAR and the reduction in ploughing/gritting must also take some blame.


Re: Winterhighland Guest Book
Date Posted: 15.07hrs on Mon 29 Nov 04
First time skiing in Scotland...very happy we picked Winterhighland!

Re: Winterhighland Guest Book
Date Posted: 11.40hrs on Mon 20 Dec 04
i am goimg on holiday to glencoe in march and was wondering if there is any chance of snow.It is my first time in the highlands i have only ever been to loch lomond.

Posts: 126
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27th Jul 2016
Re: Winterhighland Guest Book
Date Posted: 17.06hrs on Mon 20 Dec 04
There is a very good chance of snow at that time. Glencoe can have skiing into May! No way of telling if there will be a blanket from top to bottom, hill snow or plain old mild, wet and windy with snow patches. Whatever the weather it is a mighty impressive place and there will be snow somewhere. Lets hope its dry when you get there and mid-holiday there is a huge dump so your snowed in and can't go home! Happy holidays!

Posts: 17
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24th Feb 2005
Re: Winterhighland Guest Book
Date Posted: 16.20hrs on Mon 24 Jan 05
can't see much wrong

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