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The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 23.13hrs on Thu 22 Jan 04
Let's see if I am talking to myself but here goes anyway....

I think overall GFS right through isn't so cold, but it would be a peach of a run from the Scottish Snowsports perspective, one brief 18hr thaw period deep in FI, then a vigorous low with snow... if only!

snow sparxxx

Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 23.21hrs on Thu 22 Jan 04
tonights runs have been excellent and would provide wales, and the midlands with upto 20cm on snow, along with many other areas also receiving high amounts of snow, not only that temperatures at times could go down to -10, i think the best we should hope for at this stage is about overnight temps of -5 here in central englands wales london area etc, and the chance that we see upto possibly 10cms of snow over tuesday and wednesday. i think we all need to wait for 18z on saturday before making a final decision of how much snow is definate and what could be if all goes well between then and the day

Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 23.21hrs on Thu 22 Jan 04
Yeah I know TWO's slow, but it was worth reading when I did get in eventually.

Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 23.22hrs on Thu 22 Jan 04
Hi Alan...Super Cell here.

Not sticking around, but wanted to say thanks for the facility.

I'm off to bed to dream about sub 510dam air smiling smiley)

Night :-)

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Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 23.30hrs on Thu 22 Jan 04
Hey Simon, sweet dreams, I had a nightmare last night about 562dam... lol!

Sharon anything happening in the forum arms?


Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 23.39hrs on Thu 22 Jan 04
You should be able to go back in now Alan, running a bit slow but I'm now able to access the site and other threads. :-D

I do have broadband don't know if that makes a difference to you, not sure what you've got.

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Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 23.49hrs on Thu 22 Jan 04
I've got ADSL, it's obviously the Database/CPU time that is slowing it down, once it starts to send the data it loads in an instant, it's just that it sits for about a minute thinking!

Still very slow, but I can get in now! smiling smiley


Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 23.51hrs on Thu 22 Jan 04
It's now speeded up to about 20secs for me now, glas your back in anyway. [:-)]

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Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 10.04hrs on Fri 23 Jan 04
Anyone seen TWO... I guess the lack off must mean the 06z runs were looking better! smiling smiley

Kris Thorp

Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 10.30hrs on Fri 23 Jan 04
06z runs look just great, if anything the coldest run so far, anyone know when two will be back on????? Surprised its not more busy on here

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Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 10.44hrs on Fri 23 Jan 04
Everyone is too busy sending 20 reloads to TWO every minute tying to get on thus keeping the server locked up... lol!

The 06z looks fantastic out to 180hrs... plz plz plz! Should be some potential for generating showers, or getting embedded troughs or even maybe just maybe a polar low poping up! smiling smiley


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Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 10.45hrs on Fri 23 Jan 04
The request cannot be processed at this time. The amount of traffic exceeds the Web site's configured capacity.

Oh dear.... TWO server has finally gone into meltdown!

Kris Thorp

Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 10.49hrs on Fri 23 Jan 04
You'd think so considering the duration of the cold spell. Certainly a change from 00z which IMO was a pretty poor run. Regarding TWO, i'm surprised there wasn't a thread directing people to this site, it would have taken a lot of pressure of them. I should think in the three days there have been more members register than in the previous three months.

Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 10.51hrs on Fri 23 Jan 04
I lost TWO at arround 10am. I'm still a novice at reading the charts, but the 6z run does appear to be a vast improvement on the last run :-)

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Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 10.52hrs on Fri 23 Jan 04
The number of people trying to get at TWO for the server to through up the too much traffic not going to try and serve the site error must be phenominal!

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