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Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 11.27hrs on Fri 23 Jan 04

Kris Thorp

Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 11.32hrs on Fri 23 Jan 04
Definatly looking a costal scenario there, would suit me in suffolk. GFS indicates some v heavy snow for south west, Id like to see it happen because that areas had a snow drough for about twenty years

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Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 11.34hrs on Fri 23 Jan 04
As Doc mentioned lass night, the Evening Express said:

The Moray Firth is going to get Hammered

smiling smiley))


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Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 11.38hrs on Fri 23 Jan 04

Looking good.... smiling smiley

BTW to quote things use [ quote ] [ /quote ] without the spaces like on TWO.

Kris Thorp

Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 11.43hrs on Fri 23 Jan 04
from that chart it looks like the siberian/scandi high is coming into play, certainly more than yesterdays charts where the source for the cold air was the greenland shelf. Do you think this is a good thing?alan wrote:

Kris Thorp

Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 11.46hrs on Fri 23 Jan 04
Didn't mean to put the Alan wrote bit in there! what a dumbass, I'm a bit rubbish with computers

Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 11.50hrs on Fri 23 Jan 04
Alan: If the Greenland and Scandi highs merge would this introduce a cold easterly from the continent and help block any atlantic lows?


Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 16.01hrs on Fri 23 Jan 04
Anybody know what is happening with the GFS 12z runs?

TWO's site seems to be down again


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Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 16.05hrs on Fri 23 Jan 04
Just got back in haven't looked yet at GFS.... Not sure I can bear looking.... :p


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Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 16.09hrs on Fri 23 Jan 04
TWO server has given me the too much traffic error sad smiley

At T+96hrs everything is very slightly further east than on the 06z, but the plume of milder air has pushed a bit further up the Western side of Greenland, could be encourging... fingers crossed.

I will start a new thread for the 12z models.


Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 16.12hrs on Fri 23 Jan 04
Decided to look in here see if anyone had seen the charts yet since I can't get on TWO.

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Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 16.17hrs on Fri 23 Jan 04
Sharon Ive got as far as t+96. Started a new thread for the 12z runs here.

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Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 18.32hrs on Fri 23 Jan 04
TWO has been shut down by the ISP for two much will cost to get back up!


Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 18.37hrs on Fri 23 Jan 04
Oh no.... really bad news that, now what will I do. [sad smiley]

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Re: The TWO Slow.... Weather Thread!
Date Posted: 19.29hrs on Fri 23 Jan 04
It's a Friday night everyone will be out it should have been ok later, or is it not getting to come back up?

Or has everyone given up and gone out for the first time in months cause TWO is down! tongue sticking out smiley

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