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Date Posted: 18.15hrs on Sat 14 Feb 04
Hey Alan,

How do we get the smilies to work. I can't find a link to them on the pages.



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Re: Smilies...
Date Posted: 19.21hrs on Sat 14 Feb 04
Without the spaces:

smiling smiley : )

sad smiley : (

:p : p

smiling smiley)) : )))

winking smiley : )

:d : d

eye popping smiley : o

[drink] [ drink ]

[spliff] Let you work that one out smiling smiley))


Re: Smilies...
Date Posted: 19.54hrs on Sat 14 Feb 04

But can't figure out that last one, but I can get round that smiling smiley))


Post Edited (19:58 hrs on Sat 14 Feb 04)

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Re: Smilies...
Date Posted: 20.44hrs on Sat 14 Feb 04
Last one? Hmm... [spliff]

Edit: Yep, got it lol.


Post Edited (20:44 hrs on Sat 14 Feb 04)

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Re: Smilies...
Date Posted: 20.52hrs on Sat 14 Feb 04
Trust you... :p


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Re: Smilies...
Date Posted: 23.28hrs on Sat 14 Feb 04
lol actually I just took a look in the View Source for this page :p


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Re: Smilies...
Date Posted: 00.21hrs on Sun 15 Feb 04
That dont give u the shortcut :p


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Re: Smilies...
Date Posted: 00.46hrs on Sun 15 Feb 04
lol... Yes it does :p


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Re: Smilies...
Date Posted: 16.46hrs on Fri 12 Mar 04

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Re: Smilies...
Date Posted: 00.00hrs on Wed 7 Apr 04
Hmm, where's the [spliff] smilie with the person on a ski tow? smiling smiley


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17th Apr 2016
Re: Smilies...
Date Posted: 09.48hrs on Thu 8 Apr 04
At last I understand - you can't the smilies in the preview - only when you post - and I thought I was getting it wrong all the time!
tsk tsk
smiling smiley))

Definitely time for a celebration [drink]

Re: Smilies...
Date Posted: 10.18hrs on Thu 8 Apr 04
"" alt="[spliff]">
Have i got this right? Probably not, no.

Re: Smilies...
Date Posted: 10.33hrs on Thu 8 Apr 04

This is beyond me. First two work fine, but the others don't. Still, booze and fags covers most stuff.

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Re: Smilies...
Date Posted: 13.55hrs on Thu 8 Apr 04
Quote : “you can't the smilies in the preview - only when you post”

Doh, I hadnÂ’t realised that either until you said! I thought that because you can get the smile smilie up in the preview then they would all do that if working ok eye popping smiley

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Re: Smilies...
Date Posted: 15.00hrs on Thu 8 Apr 04
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