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First turns!
Date Posted: 21.32hrs on Mon 8 Jan 07
Hope to get up this weekend and get my first turns in for this season.I usualy go to Glenshe as its the closest to fife but it just aint going to be just now tried Aviemore last weekend.What a waste of time i set of to early to check the situation and didnt know ia wasent on until i got up to the wee cafe that hires out the snowboards.What a bummer! Done Glenco last year which i thought was realy good.but just to long a drive if it aint open when you det up there pity Falkland hill didnt get enogh snow LOL.Any way where would be ma best bet for this weekend as a cond take it any more and a just need ma first turns.cheers Beany.

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Re: First turns!
Date Posted: 21.43hrs on Mon 8 Jan 07
Yer best bet is probaly gony be Glencoe mate, 10000000000000000000000000000.5 x betta than anywhere else(my humble opinion of course)....

Keep an eye on the reports fae the mountain, they are planning on getting up and running this weeked I hope....

Don't envy yer travelin time though, you ever looked intae they teleportation devices(hings they use on star treck), get one cheap at the Glasgow barra's!

Re: First turns!
Date Posted: 21.56hrs on Mon 8 Jan 07
Na but if its fi the barras a bet its no a real one,Lol!

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Re: First turns!
Date Posted: 21.59hrs on Mon 8 Jan 07
Nah, they are legit!!!

Designed and manufactured in Drumchapel, by the most skilled junkies in Glesga, lol!!!

Meant tae say, if yer coming ower let us know n' we'll go for a few turns bud..

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 22.01hrs Mon 8 Jan 07 by growwild.

Re: First turns!
Date Posted: 22.02hrs on Mon 8 Jan 07
well ave gotti get ma sell wan i thame man Lol!

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Re: First turns!
Date Posted: 22.02hrs on Mon 8 Jan 07
Teletransportation would be bad news for lift companies. But hell no run would be inaccessable !

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Re: First turns!
Date Posted: 22.09hrs on Mon 8 Jan 07
True,Cairngorm would still get cash oot ya somehow though lol!.

They would also be bad news for the royal family and they tubes that live in number 10, and a certain owners of big fridges, and a certain bush!!!

Just think, growwild could go anywhere..

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Re: First turns!
Date Posted: 22.23hrs on Mon 8 Jan 07
Guys, I'm moving this to the bothy. smiling smiley

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Re: First turns!
Date Posted: 23.39hrs on Mon 8 Jan 07
growwild Wrote:
> Just think, growwild could go anywhere..
> --------------------------------------------------

scary thought. Be afraid..very afraid. winking smiley

But Hey this Teleportation thing really works...instantly transported into the Bothy from the Snowsports Forum..!! - Where to next?

Beany, which part of Fife? - I'm based up near the top-right corner, and I'm waiting for Glenshee snow too.

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 23.44hrs Mon 8 Jan 07 by HTH.
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