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13th Feb 2009
Re: Jamizon+Rors,are they/yous in love or gonie fight??
Date Posted: 23.00hrs on Sat 13 Jan 07
so do i lol


Posts: 3550
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Re: Jamizon+Rors,are they/yous in love or gonie fight??
Date Posted: 23.03hrs on Sat 13 Jan 07
wit u mean add on yahoo?

If yer talkin aboot they real time chat things, a dont use em. Used 2, tae keep in touch wi some people, but a cannae be arsed keepin in touch wi those people now,lol...

Al have a look at that bebo thing the morra, gotta go and and get some food,then oot a' hear....

keep it up lads!

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13th Feb 2009
Re: Jamizon+Rors,are they/yous in love or gonie fight??
Date Posted: 23.06hrs on Sat 13 Jan 07
ok cya later growwild speak to ya 2moro lol i hope u get bebo

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Re: Jamizon+Rors,are they/yous in love or gonie fight??
Date Posted: 23.09hrs on Sat 13 Jan 07
later lads,,,

just had a quick swatch, I think I'm probaly a bit to old for it, its full of horny teenagers.... Get in there lads, yer only young once!!!

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20th Feb 2018
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Re: Jamizon+Rors,are they/yous in love or gonie fight??
Date Posted: 23.15hrs on Sat 13 Jan 07
Jamizon Wrote:
> Urmmm dunnno!! I want a winterhighland chat room!!

You got it already. It's called WinterHighland!

BTW: what do you all want to be when you grow up? winking smiley


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13th Feb 2009
Re: Jamizon+Rors,are they/yous in love or gonie fight??
Date Posted: 00.22hrs on Sun 14 Jan 07
hey growwild will u being heading up nevis range today? say hello 2 me if you are i have a green jacket and salomon 1080 flyer skis and blue lange boots

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 11.50hrs Sun 14 Jan 07 by rors.

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Re: Jamizon+Rors,are they/yous in love or gonie fight??
Date Posted: 13.34hrs on Sun 14 Jan 07
HTH Wrote:

> BTW: what do you all want to be when you grow up?

The King Of Scotland!!!

Thats if I grow up, cannae see maself sitting infront a' the fire wi ma pipe reminiscing aboot the old times.


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Re: Jamizon+Rors,are they/yous in love or gonie fight??
Date Posted: 13.59hrs on Sun 14 Jan 07
growwild Wrote:
> The King Of Scotland!!!
> --------------------------------------------------

You mean like Idi Amin, in the movie ? :0


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Re: Jamizon+Rors,are they/yous in love or gonie fight??
Date Posted: 14.08hrs on Sun 14 Jan 07

I seen a clip for that this morning, The bag man was asking the Scottish dude where he was from, thought he was british and was all aggressive wi an attitude tae him, as soon as he said he was fae Scotland the big yin(Idi) released a big smile and his attitude tae him totaly changed!!!!!!!

Thats happened tae me so many times(not wi Idi, other nationalities thinking I'm a brit!

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 14.09hrs Sun 14 Jan 07 by growwild.

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Re: Jamizon+Rors,are they/yous in love or gonie fight??
Date Posted: 14.26hrs on Sun 14 Jan 07
Why u not give hime a nudge, or ya making him breakfast the now? Hahahahaha

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Re: Jamizon+Rors,are they/yous in love or gonie fight??
Date Posted: 15.21hrs on Sun 14 Jan 07
ENOUGH!!! Absolutely enough. I have spent so much time checking what is going on in the forums and trying to keep a lid on things over the past 48hours, that it has left no time to update the forecasts.

I know some people on here are young, but if you can't even act your young age let alone like an adult then people are going to be banned until their at least mature enough to realise why they are out of line.

This mindless spamming to boost postcounts stops now, or users will simply be deleted without warning as most offenders have already had a final warning. Jamizon you have been warned as far back as May but continue on regardless.

The antics on the forum have resulted in more moderation being required in two days than the two previous years, they have also resulted over the past week or so in driving down site traffic, and landing countless emails in my inbox from proper users trying to find information who are sick of wading through pages of mindless mindnumbing empty banter.

If peoples behaviour in the forum is such that it is a liability to the site it will be closed down for good.

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Re: Jamizon+Rors,are they/yous in love or gonie fight??
Date Posted: 15.30hrs on Sun 14 Jan 07
Fair enough, but i thought it would have been better tae try n get em in here than tae hev em "talking" on other threads in the main forum, some a the treads were ready tae go of on one last night i thought.....

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13th Feb 2009
Re: Jamizon+Rors,are they/yous in love or gonie fight??
Date Posted: 16.37hrs on Sun 14 Jan 07
Jamizon Wrote:
> rory is still in bed!

eh no im not i was up at 9 this morning which is unusal for me and i dont live in the same house as jamizon but we do live near each other..

soz alan
i think a winterhighland bebo is very much in order! what do ya think guys

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 16.40hrs Sun 14 Jan 07 by rors.

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19th Apr 2020
Re: Jamizon+Rors,are they/yous in love or gonie fight??
Date Posted: 14.40hrs on Mon 15 Jan 07
So, may I ask what you actually expect to be posted in this forum (The Winterhighland Bothy)?

I only ask since the description is as follows:

"The Bothy is our friendly place to meet up and have a chat about anything,
just about. Pop in and get the craic..."

Presumably the "just about" part is what changes the meaning to:

"The Bothy is our strictly moderated forum to meet up and have a short debate about anything alan finds interesting.
Don't post anything else, or all the fourms get shut down."?

I'm all for keeping posts on-topic, but these posts ARE on topic, for the fourm and thread they're in. As far as I can tell, anyway.

Basically, when I see people get shouted at for doing what appears to me to be the right thing, I begin to wonder whether I want to be using this forum any more, lest I mistakenly do something "wrong".


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Re: Jamizon+Rors,are they/yous in love or gonie fight??
Date Posted: 15.28hrs on Mon 15 Jan 07
The above post was put here because it was a thread dedicated to some of the main culprits, the issue is spamming of the Snowsports forum to an extent that the conditions threads were becoming unusable - It might not look that bad, that is because they have been heavily moderated with a large number of posts deleted and on several occasions things were descending into a slagging match.

Some people have been warned several times privately with no effect. Perhaps finally the message has got through. I have had numerous emails complaining about certain posters antics, if the forum is thus driving people away from the site, that situation is not one which I can tolerate.

This forum has existed for several years with very little need for moderation and I hope it can continue that way.

As a PS I now have a module to block specific users from posting in specific forums - so everyone behave! smiling smiley
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