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13th Feb 2009
Re: Nevis Back Corries Thread
Date Posted: 17.59hrs on Tue 20 Feb 07
do they have ski centres in ireland?

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Re: Nevis Back Corries Thread
Date Posted: 18.06hrs on Tue 20 Feb 07
As far as I know, Ireland only offers Water Skiing normally. - Over there the "lochs" are spelled "loughs".

They aso have a very rare example of inclined "lough", which offers downhill water-skiing, if you fancy a go while you're there?

In Scotland, our lochs are all on the level, so you don't get the opportunity to ski them.

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 18.07hrs Tue 20 Feb 07 by HTH.

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Re: Nevis Back Corries Thread
Date Posted: 18.06hrs on Tue 20 Feb 07

Nah mate, got plenty spuds though, sure ye could build a mountain oot them!

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Re: Nevis Back Corries Thread
Date Posted: 18.12hrs on Tue 20 Feb 07
sounds like a plan ive made mountains out of many things

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Re: Nevis Back Corries Thread
Date Posted: 19.29hrs on Tue 20 Feb 07
Alright - the conspiracy theories are multiplying I see. I am not the only admin user on this forum, I did not initially hide the thread but after moderating and unhiding, I hid it again after a couple of totally out of order posts.

As Jamizon revelled the location of the hidden thread, I decided to delete it.

I also do not take kindly to messages arriving in my Inbox suggesting I watch my back and on that subject I am not Borat either.

With regards to the issue that set it off, I don't know whether or not Rory has the technical ability and skills to have skied the Back Corries at the weekend or not. Did he ask patrol why it was closed or what condition it was in? For all Rory knew the reason it was closed might have been because they were about to blast the cornice!

This does bring up a previous hot-topic of debate on this site over how closed is closed - and the reasons for closing lift served terrain. There are definitely situations where terrain is closed because it's not lift served and that those prepared to hike or with touring kit will be able to safely access - but if you are using the uplift to access it, ask patrol as there may well be another more serious reason for the closure - heed their advice. They can not stop you accessing the terrain, but they could subsequently stop you using the lifts.

With regards to Jamizons post about photos from people in closed terrain, some may be from tourers, some maybe from people hiking, some might be from climbers, some maybe from people who checked conditions out with ski patrol. The fact that it is common to use the lifts as part off and/or start for touring in Scotland creates an interesting situation, in many countries with snowsports ski area boundaries are closed and you have to stay within them and play by the rules - in parts of the US crossing a boundary can get you arrested never mind have your knuckles wrapped by patrol.

In some respects we are very lucky to have access situation we do to the mountains and the lack of legal restrictions on snowsports in the sense that many countries have. But with such freedoms comes responsibilities.

False alarms to ski patrol and emergency services when there were real casualties needing assistance on the mountain is certainly irresponsible - I think that is the issue I am most concerned about. If the concern was genuine the fact that Rory had entered the back corries and there was concern about his well being could have been conveyed to patrol. Crying wolf in the mountains could have endangered others.


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13th Feb 2009
Re: Nevis Back Corries Thread
Date Posted: 19.42hrs on Tue 20 Feb 07
HEATHER CAMERON MADE A HOAX CALL TO THE SKI PATROL! and yeh i do have the ability to ski the back corries. yeh i should have checked with the ski patrol first, or actually i should just stayed in the park with jamie all day. cos the plan was to go for a wee skim round lemming ridge and then down the warrens (my cornince spotting skills came in handy) but we went past back track and came to yellow belly and it looked great and there was a small cornice and we couldnt resist a wee shot down the back. but i dunno if i would do it again in them condidtions cos of the walk out. well i should have wenbt of wingerwall there wasnt much of a walk out of there.

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Re: Nevis Back Corries Thread
Date Posted: 19.49hrs on Tue 20 Feb 07

In some respects we are very lucky to have access situation we do to the mountains and the lack of legal restrictions on snowsports in the sense that many countries have. But with such freedoms comes responsibilities.

If the emergency services(helecopter and the like) have tae be called out, and you were obviously in the wrong, can they not try tae get the cash back of u?

A copper was trying tae expalin tae us something about this last year after we had tae be taken off loch lomond, but i was in no mood tae listen tae him at the time...

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 19.54hrs Tue 20 Feb 07 by growwild.

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13th Feb 2009
Re: Nevis Back Corries Thread
Date Posted: 20.38hrs on Tue 20 Feb 07
whos watching the celtic game!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im a big hoop me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Nevis Back Corries Thread
Date Posted: 20.45hrs on Tue 20 Feb 07
but rory you have never skied the back before!! Ummm and who are the other mods??

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 20.54hrs Tue 20 Feb 07 by Jamizon.

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Re: Nevis Back Corries Thread
Date Posted: 20.53hrs on Tue 20 Feb 07
C'mon the bhoys!!!!!


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13th Feb 2009
Re: Nevis Back Corries Thread
Date Posted: 21.51hrs on Tue 20 Feb 07
he looked fun though

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Re: Nevis Back Corries Thread
Date Posted: 23.43hrs on Tue 20 Feb 07
alan Wrote:
> With regards to Jamizons post about photos from
> people in closed terrain, some may be from
> tourers, some maybe from people hiking, some might
> be from climbers, some maybe from people who
> checked conditions out with ski patrol.

It would be like me posting this..


…and then getting blamed when Jamie and Rory decide to go play on the
West Highland Line. (although seriously guys... don't even think about

Should Avy Ally get blamed for anyone in future setting off a slide on
the Flypaper? Probably not... Could he have been blamed for encouraging other people to duck the rope and follow his tracks.... possibly. However blaming other people for your own actions doesn't make it any more justified.


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Re: Nevis Back Corries Thread
Date Posted: 11.14hrs on Wed 21 Feb 07
Blimey - drama on Winterhighland!

Stevie - I was looking for the emptied thread just to find the panoramic shot at the summit (looking over the edge at the dangling climbers). Any chance you could repost the URL please?

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29th Apr 2019
Re: Nevis Back Corries Thread
Date Posted: 11.46hrs on Wed 21 Feb 07
Sure Gregor, it's available at []

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 11.46hrs Wed 21 Feb 07 by StevieMcK.

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3rd Nov 2023
Re: Nevis Back Corries Thread
Date Posted: 16.04hrs on Wed 21 Feb 07
I didn't even go down the back, i'm not that stupid! I didn't blame other people either. I just said that after reading reports and looking at pictures of the back made rory think that it was acceptable to go down when its closed...
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