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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 21.06hrs on Wed 2 May 07
growwild Wrote:
> Edit: Shetland can have their independance if they
> want to! And in some parts of these lands, sheep
> and man are equal!
Will the SNP really offer the question to Shetland? They might need to re-assess Scotland's mineral and fisheries wealth first!
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 21.18hrs on Wed 2 May 07
William Wrote:
> Considering Scotland leaving the Union is favoured
> more by the English than the Scots (by some
> margin), I can't imagine us being welcomed back
> with open arms! This will be a one-way street, and
> because of that, I think the Scottish
> middle-classes might have a case of the jitters on
> election night (Kinnock effect)
I dont think we would want tae go back. After you have been burgled, would ya let the dirty theif back in???
Will the SNP really offer the question to Shetland? They might need to re-assess Scotland's mineral and fisheries wealth first!
I dont care, aslong as we have no foreign country running/robbing us, I'll be happy then the SNP can deal with it. After we are free from those criminals..
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 21.26hrs on Wed 2 May 07
Did anybody see Annabel Goldie abseiling on the TV today? - Wasn't sure if I should have posted this question on the snowsports forum
Do you think it'll make the voters swing?
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 21.43hrs on Wed 2 May 07
I never seen it, who's that anyway, is it that fat tory burd?
Is it true that the SNP are ahead of those lying theiving labour knobjockeys? Just said it on the news, but they are usually full of it to..]
Remember folks aw they Poor Iraqis that have died because of Labour and there lies.. Pure SCUM!!
Edit: I just saw it HTH, she was like a big wrecking ball. That could be a job for her, demolition!
Edited 1 times. Last edit at 21.50hrs Wed 2 May 07 by growwild.
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 23.48hrs on Wed 2 May 07
William, I don't think Alex Salmond did the SNP any favours with the “not a one way street” comment. FWIW I think home rule from the outset was and is a one way street and when the next Tory government is elected at Westminster never mind the SNP, but Scottish Labour too will be bolting for the door marked “exit”.
Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 03.11hrs on Thu 3 May 07
If i was in the country i would be voting SNP for a number of reasons. I think the young persons vote is going that way. However since i have been away from home for ages i haven't been able to sort out a postal vote.
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 08.59hrs on Thu 3 May 07
Just a quickie on "freedom" - I don't think it should cloud the thinking today, because this election is first-and-only about who might make the best addministration fo rthe next 4yrs.
I think it is worth taking time to note that Salmond has consistently stated, during campaign, that his agenda is to demonstrate good governance....and only after that, to address the question of a referendum.
the key question, is who's best to govern the next 4 years. - Even extreme Nats, know that the primary issue id to govern Scotland well, otherwise they will have no case at any future referendum.
There's your choice..who's going to make a good job under the current configuration at Holyrood.? - The "freedom" question is for later.
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 09.56hrs on Thu 3 May 07
Do you think Scotland will become independant and when ?
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 10.47hrs on Thu 3 May 07
Personally, I don't think it'll happen. - the current trend to Nationalism has been caused by poor government from Westminster, in my opinion, making Scotland the 2nd poorest oil-state in the world. - Only Angola has done worse with mineral resources.
If Westminster learns the lesson of a strong SNP vote, and other mistakes made in Westminster (Iraq, Afghanistan, wasted oil revenues, etc) then they will avoid breaking the Union.
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 12.54hrs on Thu 3 May 07
At the risk of being expelled from this site I carn't help but notice that if the Scottish border is extended into the North sea then quite a lot of the oil fields would appear to lie in English waters..........:O
.......But I wouldn't deny Scotland its remaining oil revenues to that point !
I wish you all good luck today, whichever way the election goes.
Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 13.14hrs on Thu 3 May 07
PeterS Wrote:
> At the risk of being expelled from this site I
> carn't help but notice that if the Scottish border
> is extended into the North sea then quite a lot of
> the oil fields would appear to lie in English
> waters..........:O
> .......But I wouldn't deny Scotland its remaining
> oil revenues to that point !
> I wish you all good luck today, whichever way the
> election goes.
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 13.39hrs on Thu 3 May 07
Thats what the brits are trying to say, but they have the border taking a sharp left and heading north, which is right only in their greedy eyes
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 14.14hrs on Thu 3 May 07
6000 square miles were moved from the Scottish Sector of the North Sea to the English sector by the Scotland Act in 1999, the reason was to steepen the gradient of the marine border and move some major gas fields into the English Sector. International protocol would have the border running parallel to the equater at the point it reaches the sea, so disputing the existing boarder would be an even bigger gamble for England than Scotland.
Edited 2 times. Last edit at 14.18hrs Thu 3 May 07 by alan.
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 14.27hrs on Thu 3 May 07
Have quite enjoyed the economic analysis, and the good points about the sea/mineral rights.
However, politics is the "art of the possible", and ultimately boils down to what the people have a will to accept. - I mean that no "unfair" deal would be allowed to stand without risk of serious civil unrest.
The Poll Tax is one such example; while it was unpopular in Scotland, it was generally tolerated & paid about as successfully as the old Rates. - But it was not till introduced in England, that civil unrest began, and the whole tax was scrapped.
There are a number of lessons to learn, and one of those is that you cannot enforce any policy by act of law, which the population as a whole judge to be unfair. - It won't work, and there would be civil unrest.
So, whatever the outcome, it will have to be by popular consent and not an imposition from Westminster...or Holyrood.
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 15.15hrs on Thu 3 May 07
HTH Wrote:
> Personally, I don't think it'll happen. - the
> current trend to Nationalism has been caused by
> poor government from Westminster
It's a good point, but possibly only half of the truth. There has always been poor Government.
For generations the voting habits of working class Scots and working class English were the same. They shared the same life. There was much more to bind them together. The ships built by British workers on the Clyde were fired by coal dug by British miners in Wales and sailed out of English ports to trade around the world.
Thatcher, of course, destroyed the working class. There was a significant shift upwards with home ownership, and a significant shift downwards towards an underclass. Now, voting patterns amongst the working classes, and the electorate at large, in England and Scotland are not the same. England is full of aspirational working class Tories. At the last election, the Conservatives were the biggest party in England - yet they look across the benches towards the huge Labour majority.
It will be a sad day for me, after a YES vote, when I wake up and I will be a foreigner in much of my own country.
Personally, I would like to see an independent Federal Republic Britian. Out of Europe, trading with the world, and looking after our indigenous working classes first and foremost.
Edited 1 times. Last edit at 15.16hrs Thu 3 May 07 by William.