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Posts: 607
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3rd Nov 2023
Before you die
Date Posted: 19.04hrs on Sun 29 Apr 07
What 10 things do you wanna do before you die? I'll post mine soon!!

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3rd Nov 2023
Re: Before you die
Date Posted: 20.52hrs on Sun 29 Apr 07
1. Go bungee jumping yayayay
2. Meet growwild grinning smiley
3. Go paragliding
4. Go on that skywalk thing at the grand canyon
5. Try snowboarding
6. Ski every marked run in scotland grinning smiley eye popping smiley
7. go bannana boating
8. Go into space grinning smiley
9. go skinny dipping eye popping smiley
10. go base jumping

Hmmm i'll think of more, there are a few obvious ones that i'm not gonna mention tongue sticking out smiley

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Re: Before you die
Date Posted: 20.57hrs on Sun 29 Apr 07
Mines would change everyday, but aff the tap of ma heid the ten things i'd like tae do are:

1. Go intae space.
2. Go Back in time wi loads a shooters
3. Go on Jim'll fix it.
4. Blow up the houses of parliment.
5. Snowboard fae the top of the 'Coe tae the car-park every day fae November till April.
6. Invent an anti crabbit arse pill.
7. Pass a law tae have every east coast whinger take the anti crabbit arse pill every day.
8. Brittany Murphy
9. Kick David Beckham right in the face with a pair of steel toe caps on.(50 times)
10. Brittany Murphy

EDIT:lol, i had tae change the top, a wis moaning cause you never wrote yours,lol

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 20.59hrs Sun 29 Apr 07 by growwild.

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15th Feb 2018
Re: Before you die
Date Posted: 21.11hrs on Sun 29 Apr 07
mine are:-

1. Ride switch (comfortably)
2. Ride untracked powder
3. Heli Boarding in Alaska
4. Go to the World Cup (FIFA)
5. Punch Gordon Strachan
6. Scotland to win something
7. Drive a Kassbohrer Park Bully
8. Visit Snowpark New Zealand []
9. Meet Mickey Mouse - Ooops done that
10. Win the Lottery


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Re: Before you die
Date Posted: 21.12hrs on Sun 29 Apr 07
GW, I thought you'd already achieved No.1 winking smiley

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Re: Before you die
Date Posted: 21.48hrs on Sun 29 Apr 07
Hahaha, not for sometime HTH...


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13th Feb 2009
Re: Before you die
Date Posted: 20.34hrs on Mon 30 Apr 07
Jamizon Wrote:

> Hmmm i'll think of more, there are a few obvious
> ones that i'm not gonna mention

hmmm... would these things involve Ellen and Brady? (they are girls in our school)

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Re: Before you die
Date Posted: 20.59hrs on Mon 30 Apr 07
hahahahahahahaaa, yal have scared him away for 2 days noo, he'll be aw embarased..

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9th Mar 2021
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Re: Before you die
Date Posted: 14.46hrs on Tue 1 May 07
1. ride "the swiss wall" - went to do it last year but was just too icy
2. land a front flip (intentionaly this time)
3. get someone else to drive to the resorts so a can get fooked out ma face
4. work a season abroad
5. ski in august in scotland winking smiley
6. get a job which pays well
7. complete the buckfast challange
8. get the best score on the punchbag machine in the garage
9. use the ww + ciste chairs
10. get ma own motor

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24th Feb 2013
Re: Before you die
Date Posted: 20.39hrs on Sun 6 May 07
1) Make (BIG) money farming.
2) Run the country single handedly after a coup, GW for my general!
3) Not get blown off the mountain.
4) Take up sailing again.
5) Grow a record breaking yield of wheat.
6) Invent something that makes me a fortune.
7) Visit Japan.
8) Stand on the moon and see the earth rise above the horizon.
9) Have my spaniel obey me.
10) Do lots of snowboarding.

These are all quite fanciful although I probably have more chance of 8 and 2 than 1.

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14th Sep 2024
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Re: Before you die
Date Posted: 08.24hrs on Mon 7 May 07
Snowboarders, you need to turn your farming attention to a "cash crop" - GW could keep you in business for years! tongue sticking out smiley

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24th Feb 2013
Re: Before you die
Date Posted: 18.41hrs on Mon 7 May 07
Good one Alan, Only problem is I would need a lot of greenhouses as that sort of thing disnae do very well outside here, or so I've been told.
Now if only folk could get high from potatoes then I would be onto a winner.

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23rd Nov 2007
Re: Before you die
Date Posted: 18.51hrs on Mon 7 May 07
Poteen drinking smiley


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Re: Before you die
Date Posted: 21.20hrs on Mon 7 May 07
Aye it does snowborders winking smiley just gotta get the right stock!

That one "cash crop" wid be able tae sort yer whole list oot.. Ya might able tae invent some life saving natural product, and save the planet and world peace.. Its awready been invented though, ya just gotta patent it somehow before everyone else does.. Hmmm I wonder how,, a big wedge of cash to Labour should do the trick >(GW pharma--)

Gies a job!! or an acre or 2 lol
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