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STUDIO 'dag' cartoons?
Date Posted: 23.23hrs on Tue 22 Jan 08
Anyone remember the STUDIO 'dag' "Ski Cairngorm" postcards and posters that used to be sold in Aviemore back in the 70s/80s?

As a memory jogger I've scanned a poster I have, I'm sure I remember seeing this version as a postcard too:

Click here to view the "Ski Cairngorm" cartoon poster

The text at the bottom right gives the following details: "STUDIO 'dag', Posters & Wallcharts, Kinchurdy Rd, BOAT OF GARTEN, Inverness-shire. PH24 38P". searched the internet for any reference to 'dag' and the studio but found nothing!

Does anyone know if 'dag' produced any other cartoons of skiing (I have a vague memory there were more) and what happened to Dag and the studio in Boat of Garten?

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27th Mar 2013
Re: STUDIO 'dag' cartoons?
Date Posted: 21.08hrs on Tue 29 Jan 08
I noticed a signed "Dag" poster (dated 2007) at the Lecht last Saturday, so the guy must still be about.

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28th Feb 2013
Re: STUDIO 'dag' cartoons?
Date Posted: 10.24hrs on Fri 1 Feb 08
Like the poster. Have a Lecht one from 2001. Ace stuff

You bet your moms tidy ass it is!

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20th Jan 2015
Re: STUDIO 'dag' cartoons?
Date Posted: 22.41hrs on Thu 14 Feb 08
I remember my big sister bringing back the same ski cairngorm poster from her school trip to Lagganlia. Pretty sure it was in the late 80s.

She also had a mug that had a cartoon picture of a skier doing a backwards flip round the mug!

Re: STUDIO 'dag' cartoons?
Date Posted: 21.38hrs on Wed 18 Jun 08
DAG is a chap called Doug Godlington - not sure where he is now
Suzy Godlington

Re: STUDIO 'dag' cartoons?
Date Posted: 10.43hrs on Sat 26 Dec 09

I know this thread's a bit old now, but my Dad was told about it by somebody else and asked me to find it... 'dag' is my Dad - he's 78 now, still cartooning and now lives in the Black Isle.

- Suzy

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Re: STUDIO 'dag' cartoons?
Date Posted: 21.33hrs on Thu 4 Feb 10
Hi Suzy, sorry to have missed your post but thanks for the info.

I loved your dad's cartoons back in the old days and still do, there are still ski safety posters up at Nevis and elsewhere thta have your dad's cartoons on them and there are also a few cartoons on the walls in the Cairngorm daylodge.

Does your dad still do ski cartoons?

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12th Dec 2010
Re: STUDIO 'dag' cartoons?
Date Posted: 14.46hrs on Sun 12 Dec 10
Isn't the internet wonderful!
There I was today writing my Xmas cards, searching out addresses in some very old notebooks and I see the name Doug Godlington. That immediately triggered my mind back to the 1970's when I used to buy Doug's posters and postcards in their thousands and flog them to all and sundry in Austria, where I was working as a rep for Swans Tours (anyone also old enough to remember them?). Then I did a Google search and, hey presto, here I am!

Suzy, I recall mainly dealing with your mother at the time and she and I used to haggle on the price and then ponder on how best to get all the stuff out to Austria without too much hassle. There were 3 posters, the "Ski Instructor", "The Beginner" and "The Ski-Bunny" and those three were also the best-sellers amongst the postcards, of which I recall there were probably a dozen or so designs which I used to buy. Everyone used to love them and I used to sell them in my resort office and to postcard shops all over the Alps, then in the English pubs I opened in, first, Brand and then Seefeld. It all stopped I suppose when I sold up and emmigrated to the USA..

My life has now turned full circle and I am back living in Austria again, so maybe I should even check if your Dad still has some stock to dispose of!

John Lance

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Re: STUDIO 'dag' cartoons?
Date Posted: 12.12hrs on Wed 9 Mar 11
Just to update this thread, I recently noticed a set of DAG posters on the wall near the shop at The Lecht, including the ski instructor and the beginner. Additionally they had a Lecht cartoon poster in a similar veign to the Cairngorm one (see link above). The thing that suprised and pleased me was that they actually had some of the latter for sale in the shop, so I bought one to add to my collection grinning smiley

I've also noticed that the cartoons on a lot of the new safety banners at Cairngorm seem to be DAG cartoons - are these new cartoons specially commissioned by CML?

I'm sure there would still be a market for these cartoons nowadays as John Lance suggests - Suzy has your dad thought of selling them again or getting someone else to act as agent?

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16th Feb 2025
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Re: STUDIO 'dag' cartoons?
Date Posted: 15.13hrs on Wed 9 Mar 11
The queuing banner cartoons are from signs that went up in the Daylodge in 2002, there are some framed ones in the level 2 Daylodge toilets still! Not sure if they were specially commissioned or not. There's a cracker at Glenshee about feeding in the T-bars with a persons head getting chopped offtongue sticking out smiley
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