Hi all,
South Lanarkshire Council is currently processing the final stages of our planning application for the "erection of a timber clubhouse, toilet facility, engine house and rope tow to facilitate downhill skiing" on Lowther Hill.
Members of the public will be able to send letters of support until 24-09-2014.
Letters of support give far greater weight to our application.
Could I ask everybody to please give us 5 minutes of your time and help us by adding your comments of support:
1. Go to [
pbsportal.southlanarkshire.gov.uk] and type our Application Number, CL/14/0358, under "Search Criteria".
2. Click on "Add Comments Here" and write a brief comment in support of the application.
Any short comment will do. For example: "It's a fantastic idea", "I look forward to skiing on Lowther Hill", or "It'll be great for the local families and the community in general", etc.
Thanks everybody for your support :-)