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Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 18.53hrs on Thu 11 Jun 15
Good effort Graeme smiling smiley I'd five and a half hours today and that was plenty ! Similar route to last week but went right to the foot of Ciste Mhearad which amazingly is continuous to below the waterfall.About a 3/4 Km run as opposed to the normal June patch! I could see it all today smiling smiley

A crevasse has opened up below the tor at around 950m and it was deeper than I could reach winking smiley

Ptarmigan Bowl needs a bit of grass skiing to link the snow but it is continuous from just above the tow start to here in the Ciste Gully

West wall is still excellent and hadn't seemed to altered much in the 7 days smiling smiley

Generally the snow was good spring quality but not as slick and fast as in last weeks rain. Having sunshine made up for that though smiling smiley



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15th Feb 2019
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 08.37hrs on Fri 12 Jun 15
Wow amazing pics Helen and Graeme. That looks so steep! Conor was up on Saturday and he skied down Ciste Gully - looked like there was still a fair bit of snow and got a good bit down - said the snow was best he'd skied on! Hopefully will get up next weekend.


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26th Mar 2019
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 19.32hrs on Sun 14 Jun 15
Great day for a slide! Light winds and sunshine, but still quite cold - the emergency stop button for the Ptarmigan tow was frozen up! Headed to Ciste Mhearad, snow was lovely to ski on smooth and fast. The Ptarmigan patches were much more sticky and slower, but still good fun. Coire Cas patches were better, and linked by grass, except where cleared for biking- skis off at this point! Still possible to ski to top zigzag. Hopefully good conditions will last until next weekend for a midsummer slide.


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1st Sep 2019
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 10.20hrs on Tue 7 Jul 15
Took a wander up Cairngorm yesterday. Not as hot as it has been but just as well as it was quite an effort heading up the windy ridge path with all our kit in the broken but strong sunshine. Still warm enough for shorts and t-shirts.

Ciste Mhearad still has a significant snow patch giving a good length of run. The snow was soft and fast, fun for a few runs before the midges found us and had their lunch. Looking over to Coire an Lochan there has been quite a bit of snow loss so I don't think I will be doing that again this year.

The Ptarmigan and half pipe patches are just that, I am sure Helen would get two turns out of them but we did not give them a go.

There is a lot of activity around the centre. Work has started on the new Sheiling lift and the cas is getting a new cable channel up the tow path. Ther are two motors in the car park for the westwall and M1 pomas and drums of cable. The M2 fencing is being dismantled and there are new post on pallets which I assume are the replacements. The day lodge has had new signs.

New Signs

Still room for a few turns

Shorts and t-shirt idle midge food.

two of these in the car park for WW and M1


Edited 2 times. Last edit at 10.30hrs Tue 7 Jul 15 by WindyMiller.

Attachments: Daylodge.JPG (284kB)   Ciste M 001.JPG (235kB)   Ciste M.JPG (262kB)   ww motor.JPG (312kB)  

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6th Jan 2021
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 18.18hrs on Thu 9 Jul 15
Good stuff Gramme!

Are both pics in Ciste Mhearad?? (Or is first one in the Ptarmigan Bowl?)


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1st Sep 2019
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 11.15hrs on Fri 10 Jul 15
Mountainaddict Wrote:

Are both pics in Ciste Mhearad?? (Or is first one in the Ptarmigan Bowl?)

Both pictures are in Ciste Mhearad. The ptarmigan bowl patch is only a couple of meters long and we did not think it was worth sliding on it.

Here are the pictures of the Ptarmigan patch and the remains of the half pipe.

Ptarmigan patch

Half pipe patch


Edited 1 times. Last edit at 11.25hrs Fri 10 Jul 15 by WindyMiller.

Attachments: Half Pipe.JPG (277kB)   Ptarmigan Patch.JPG (295kB)  

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Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 12.39hrs on Fri 10 Jul 15
I reckon they were smaller yesterday Graeme ! Not worth even 2 turns winking smiley
For anyone wanting to have some Cairngorm turns, the patch below the tor is definitely the best at present... 20 turns smiling smiley with a good steep pitch in the middle- where my tracks disappear smiling smiley

After scrambling up on foot last Thursday I took my skins yesterday , but with the soft spring surface it was too steep to go straight up on them in the mid section. Big loss over the week but with it being much cooler yesterday the meltwater was less smiling smiley

Quite a lot of walkers about but I saw no staff activity on my walk up and down by Windy Ridge although there were piles of fence posts lying beside the M2



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6th Mar 2021
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 16.15hrs on Wed 19 Aug 15
The lads are clearly working hard to pile-drive all the posts in down the M2. Once finished, and the fence boarding is up, it should make a big difference to the run.


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Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 18.33hrs on Wed 19 Aug 15
I notice the new post line for the WWP has breached the crest of the hill by the top of the West Wall Chairlift. Not sure if that's as far as they've got or whether that's as far as the tractor can reach.

The M2 fencing appears to be getting extended up to the top of the WWP. It's quite useful when this is pisted when there is snow there as it segregates those going to the M2 from those on the Fairway, but there's going to be rather a lot of parallel fence lines on the Upper Ciste Fairway and tow tracks. That could be a problem for the Ciste Tow and Bowl in 'low tide' conditions, but the flipside is more structural rail fencing will offer the Fairway a bit more protection from SW to W hairdryers!

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