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Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 18.09hrs on Sat 9 May 15
Turned out a pretty decent day on Saturday as we approach the middle third of May, with 1300ft of top to mid-station riding on offer. Mostly dry with just a flurry intermittently at the top and light winds, with decent bright / Sunny spells.

However, uncertainty about Sunday - hopefully may just get away with not too bad a day on CairnGorm in terms of overhead, the heavier frontal rain looks like it might just stay to the South, however it will be pretty blowy, 40 gusting 60mph forecast. So definitely a day for checking in the morning.

^Pipe Jib in the Ptarmigan Bowl.

^Skier launches off larger kicker.

^Top to middle riding - Upper Cas still great, bottom of Gunbarrel narrow below M1 loading area.

Full Report & pix: []

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 18.10hrs Sat 9 May 15 by alan.


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1st Sep 2019
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 19.07hrs on Sat 9 May 15
As hoped the cast came back out for a curtain call and it was a doozie. The morning mist quickly cleared up to give broken cloud and sun shine. Occasional snow and hail showers passed though but nothing significant. Much of the day was hat and gloves off.

There has been some fresh snow but compared to last weekend there has been an over all snow loss, in particular the off piste. The coronation wall is still skiable but the east ptarmigan is not as extensive as it was. The main runs are still in good condition with nice spring snow, a fast ski down on most runs. By late afternoon some of the runs were getting a bit heavy but what do you expect for mid May!

We headed off the back of the mountain for a short tour down Ciste M. The snow is extensive over the back and the scenery is breath taking. It is worth a look.

The cas side is still fun, just the last 10m of the gun barrel is showing signs of ware.

The forecast for tomorrow is looking bad but there may be a weather window in the morning. If you are local go for it. Stroppy girl is coming over from Aberdeen and she is hopping for the best.

Swimmer (Susan) at the bottom of the Coronation wall.

As it is the last week end I have posted a large number of pictures here.


Edited 1 times. Last edit at 19.09hrs Sat 9 May 15 by WindyMiller.

Attachments: Susan Coronation wall.JPG (248kB)  

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26th May 2016
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 10.41hrs on Sun 10 May 15
Hey Windy and co it's been a great season,powder turns on the first day and the last day !
Just wanted to say thx again for taking the time and energy to post the pix and reports good effort!!
Also as we are now a mostly united nation and Mr Alexander has departed it seems to me an ideal time to remove the ridiculous legislation regarding the closed access to the mountain out with the SNOWSPORTS season!! Especially as there is still plenty snow to be had !!!!
Cmon people power,lets do what we have to get to overturn this total farce situation and bring the best out of the mountain and to boost the economy of Aviemore And the surrounding area
Oh and see youse all next season after the revolution


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11th Aug 2019
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 15.49hrs on Sun 10 May 15
Cairngorm are mentioning their "Devoted Facebook Fans"

And what about ALL the Facebook "fans" they have deleted over the Season because of comments the Company does not agree with ?

Plenty snow left all over the Hill !

Is it too much to expect a bit of a PR move and make some attempt to have some lift served skiing at Mid-Summer ?


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1st Sep 2019
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 17.21hrs on Sun 10 May 15
Thanks Headnip, your comments are appreciated. we did not get to ski together as much this season compared to last, but it was always nice for a chat. May be more next year.

Well today was the last of the last of the last! It started looking like a right off. The car was shaking in the car park and it takes a lot of wind to shake my car! But then young Timothy came out of the station, "its a go, skiing off the train, 37mph at the tunnel mouth" boots on on in we went. It was only us, no one else, three people, Shona, Stroppy Girl and me on the whole mountain. Even with only the three of us we were made very welcome from Timothy coming out to the car park to tell us we were a go to Tony on the train giving us a personalised briefing on the first train, Matt and Jennie later on. Thanks to you guys over the season you are some of the characters that make CML a fun place, not to forget Alan, Graham, Eamon, Sheena on the previous days, always giving us a warm welcome.
Wopper was missed as lifty 001 this season but Neil stepped up to the plate and did an excellent job.

They next few trains up turned into an episode of Cheers, Les!, Helen! Norm...! In total there were 13 of us by the end of the day. Two day tickets sold.

The weather was not so good, wind in our faces down the traverse and drizzle but who cares the snow was great. The wind turned to our backs on the cas and 105 making an assisted very fast ski down. Don't think I have ever see Helen and Shona move that fast before.

By 14:30 Stroppy was starting to ask when were we going back to the hot tub, we were getting soggy in places and the snow at the bottom of the cas was melting rapidly so it was time to depart. Winter 2014/15 over, long live summer season 2015!

Cas still wide, fast spring snow.

Stroppy Girl, mist in the background up and down during the day

Mid station, you can see the snow going at the bottom of the gun barrel


Edited 2 times. Last edit at 17.27hrs Sun 10 May 15 by WindyMiller.

Attachments: Cas.JPG (177kB)   mid stationj.JPG (414kB)   Stroppy girl.JPG (176kB)  

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2nd Sep 2019
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Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 18.18hrs on Sun 10 May 15
Well we stayed till the last train and the snow was still in fast perfect nick smiling smiley OK it rained but what a great effect it had on the snow texture smiling smiley
This was Yvonne and Kev on the last run heading down the gunbarrel to catch the down train.

It kindly waited for me because I was held- up by a grouse that decided to saunter across the narrow part of the gunbarrel just as I approached smiling smiley It took its time and was only a few feet away from me !

If it is the last lift assisted day it was a great one smiling smiley Thanks everyone at Cairngorm grinning smiley



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15th Feb 2019
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 09.36hrs on Mon 11 May 15
Haha - so glad there is no sound with these photos! Had a great day on Saturday - kinda wish I had just gone up yesterday. Thanks to everyone for making this another great year - looking forward to next year now.


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2nd Sep 2019
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Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 21.23hrs on Thu 14 May 15
Well last Sunday's rumour at the end of the day - that there might be skiing this weekend and that they weren't going to bulldoze the traverse was a rumour! Yesterday's rumour that they had bulldozed the traverse is a fact !

Ok they probably want to get their mountain biking started but it does seem such a waste of good snow and it means all skiing will be self powered from now on winking smiley

Nevertheless a fabulous day once I'd managed to work out a way of getting off the huge bank of snow at the top of the 105 that I was marooned on, having stupidly skinned up it thinking it was continuous !

You can still ski to the ledge above Loch Avon from just below the Cairngorm tor although there is a narrow link now 3/4 of the way down that needs careful negotiating as there's a stream underneath.

Ptarmigan and Ciste bowls are complete as is the Ptarmigan tow track although there's a couple of bare patches on the Ciste tow that I could see. A short walk is required to get onto the snow on the West Wall but there's still great spring snow and a decent run down.
Some photos of the day here smiling smiley []

One bit of positivity- piles of fence posts next to the West Wall poma track-


Edited 1 times. Last edit at 21.53hrs Thu 14 May 15 by h11lly.


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6th Mar 2021
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 10.27hrs on Sun 17 May 15
Following the end of uplift for skiers on Cairngorm this season, I see that Graeme has decided to beach himself at Lochranza for the summer.


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1st Sep 2019
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 16.33hrs on Tue 19 May 15
Nice one Eric. I am surprised George has not come up with a smart comment about anti fouling on my bottom!.

Itching for this rain to stop to head up for a slide.



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Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 19.10hrs on Tue 19 May 15
Well it didn't look great on the webcam as I finished work just before midday, but a day on the hill is always better than a day not on the hill, so I decided to head down and see what the snow showers had brought.

Walked up Windy Ridge and skinned from the just below the top station and there was enough fresh between the rocks to get to just below the summit tor.

Amazingly the sun came out for my ski down smiling smiley

The snow was good high up, but beyond the break that required a bit of grass skiing, it was heavier.

You can still get down to just above Loch Avon

The top bowls still have plenty of snow, but a strong head wind on the new snow that was sticky at this level meant pretty rubbish skiing and a straight pole down.

However the steeper gradient parallel to the chair on the West Wall gave a great ski to finish.

Was very lucky because the rain only really started when I was back at the car just after five. As always, worth the journey smiling smiley


David Goldsmith

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6th Nov 2018
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 06.27hrs on Wed 20 May 15
Fab stuff, Hilly. Great report.


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6th Mar 2021
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 11.59hrs on Wed 20 May 15
I'll echo that. A huge thank you both to yourself, Helen, and also to Graeme, for all your great reports and pikkies throughout the season.


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Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 17.12hrs on Wed 20 May 15
Thanks David and Eric. I too appreciated Graeme's photos especially over the generally perceived ski months of Dec Jan Feb when I was mainly touring and avoiding the crowded slopes. Good to see what was happening though smiling smiley



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1st Sep 2019
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2015
Date Posted: 15.23hrs on Sat 23 May 15
Well I finally got to walk up for the first time in the summer 2015 season and it was a lovely blue sky morning. There were more skiers in the car park this morning than there were on the last day of uplift, many regulars but also a few folks here just for the touring. The snow is good granular spring, nice and fast skiing.

I walked up the windy ridge path to the top station then up the ptarmigan traverse, past the half pipe and over to just below the torr. There is still a good ski down towards Loch Avon but I headed skiers left towards Ciste Mhearaidh. The snow here was excellent.

I walked back up to the Marquis Well area and into the half pipe. There is still some of the new snow in here which was a bit sticky but once into the Ptarmigan unload area you were back to the spring granular snow. The ski down the Ptarmigan traverse was very nice back to the top station. Looking in to the top bowls there is still plenty to ski on if you are looking to teach a beginner in the warm sun shine.

Ptarmigan Unload and half pipe

Top Bowls

The traverse is complete to the left hand bend then a short walk to the next patch. The snow has been bulldozed but you can make your way carefully down the edge 3/4 of the way then a short walk into the cas.

Upper Traverse

Traverse bulldozed but I made it down the side

The Cas is 90% complete from the bull wheel down to where they bulldozed the bike track across it at the 105. It is then complete to just above the cas load station halfway down the gun barrel. It is wide and fast skiing.

A nice day out.


Edited 1 times. Last edit at 15.31hrs Sat 23 May 15 by WindyMiller.

Attachments: Cas.JPG (245kB)   Traverse.JPG (296kB)   ptarmigan unload and half pipe.JPG (251kB)   upper traverse.JPG (274kB)   top bowls.JPG (255kB)  
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