Thanks Headnip, your comments are appreciated. we did not get to ski together as much this season compared to last, but it was always nice for a chat. May be more next year.
Well today was the last of the last of the last! It started looking like a right off. The car was shaking in the car park and it takes a lot of wind to shake my car! But then young Timothy came out of the station, "its a go, skiing off the train, 37mph at the tunnel mouth" boots on on in we went. It was only us, no one else, three people, Shona, Stroppy Girl and me on the whole mountain. Even with only the three of us we were made very welcome from Timothy coming out to the car park to tell us we were a go to Tony on the train giving us a personalised briefing on the first train, Matt and Jennie later on. Thanks to you guys over the season you are some of the characters that make CML a fun place, not to forget Alan, Graham, Eamon, Sheena on the previous days, always giving us a warm welcome.
Wopper was missed as lifty 001 this season but Neil stepped up to the plate and did an excellent job.
They next few trains up turned into an episode of Cheers, Les!, Helen! Norm...! In total there were 13 of us by the end of the day. Two day tickets sold.
The weather was not so good, wind in our faces down the traverse and drizzle but who cares the snow was great. The wind turned to our backs on the cas and 105 making an assisted very fast ski down. Don't think I have ever see Helen and Shona move that fast before.
By 14:30 Stroppy was starting to ask when were we going back to the hot tub, we were getting soggy in places and the snow at the bottom of the cas was melting rapidly so it was time to depart. Winter 2014/15 over, long live summer season 2015!
Cas still wide, fast spring snow.
Stroppy Girl, mist in the background up and down during the day
Mid station, you can see the snow going at the bottom of the gun barrel
Edited 2 times. Last edit at 17.27hrs Sun 10 May 15 by WindyMiller.
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