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Peter Woolverton

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12th Mar 2018
Re: 2015 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 10.07hrs on Fri 5 Jun 15
Corserine snow

Corserine was 12 miles distant and my view was very indistinct. My zoomed photo revealed 2 largish patches together below the summit and a third small round patch to the right. There is just a hint of 2 further tiny patches further to the right on the line of the intervening hill.


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6th Jun 2015
Re: 2015 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 13.11hrs on Sat 6 Jun 15
See attached some pictures taken from a wee ski tour I over Aonach Mor and down an Cul Choire had last Wednesday (the 3rd of June). Still fairly snow I think it is fair to say.

Attachments: P1060023.JPG (39kB)   P1060024.JPG (38kB)   P1060025.JPG (40kB)  

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Re: 2015 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 07.49hrs on Mon 8 Jun 15
Two weeks' difference between this year and last. Not that great a difference snow-wise.

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 07.51hrs Mon 8 Jun 15 by firefly.

Attachments: Meall.JPG (151kB)  

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3rd May 2018
Re: 2015 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 18.06hrs on Mon 8 Jun 15
The view from the top was pretty good yesterday. So was the skiing!
Meali a Bhuiridh view 7/6/15.

Attachments: View from the top.jpg (398kB)  

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Re: 2015 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 06.35hrs on Tue 9 Jun 15
Katrina Craig was walking on Aonach Beag yesterday and reported to me that it was snowing above 3700 ft (started snowing at 3.30pm). She also reported that it was snowing on Aonach Mor on Saturday, as relayed to her by a walker.

That means it has snowed on 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th and 8th June. Of course, none of this snow will make any material difference to the cover, but every day it snows it means there will be hardly any melting. In June, when the sun can be fiercely hot, that's a bonus!


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Re: 2015 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 11.17hrs on Tue 9 Jun 15
Similar to Glen Coe, above, two weeks' difference from 2014.

25th May 2015


Edited 2 times. Last edit at 11.18hrs Tue 9 Jun 15 by firefly.

Attachments: Ben Nevis - 25.05.2014.JPG (52kB)   Ben Nevis - 09.06.2015.JPG (60kB)  

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Re: 2015 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 13.25hrs on Tue 9 Jun 15

Edited 2 times. Last edit at 13.28hrs Tue 9 Jun 15 by firefly.


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Re: 2015 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 13.29hrs on Tue 9 Jun 15
Last comparison of the day!

Two photos of Bidean nam Bian from almost exactly a year apart. Not taken from exactly the same place, but close enough to give a comparison.

More this year, for sure. Sgor nam Fianaidh (in the right foreground) still has a decent splodge where last year it was almost gone. Also the left shoulder of Stob Coire nan Lochan (sharp peak, left middle) has far more this year than last.

Bidean nam Bian itself looks to be broadly similar, but subtle differences in the rocks exposed show more this year. Encouraging!

8th June 2015

7th June 2014

Edited 2 times. Last edit at 13.30hrs Tue 9 Jun 15 by firefly.

Attachments: Bidean nam Bian - 08.06.2015.JPG (22kB)   Bidean nam Bian - 07.06.2014.jpg (43kB)  

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26th Oct 2015
Re: 2015 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 17.38hrs on Tue 9 Jun 15
Some photos from two trips up Ben Wyvis - one of the more obvious hills with patches on it. There had been a big slide in the middle of the main cornice/patch with a section left ready to slide again. Snow at the summit is a meter or two from the trig point and further down the depth looks to be almost 2m or more... Amazing considering that when I moved to Inverness exactly a year ago there was no snow on it! (Firefly can correct me if I'm wrong!.

There are some fairly low down patches in gullies on the North facing Eastern arm of Corie na Feola. The first five photos are from the 4th of June and the rest from today. The crevasse photos are the only comparable ones but I can safely say the summit temperatures today will mean minimal melting. Though any rain would easily wash away the unstable part of the cornice patch.

Photos on Flickr - apologies for phone quality pictures!


Edited 1 times. Last edit at 17.40hrs Tue 9 Jun 15 by eddy0810.


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2nd Sep 2019
What's this?What's this?What's this?
Re: 2015 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 19.51hrs on Tue 9 Jun 15
These are fabulous. smiling smiley Haven't been up since I skied it early January and there wasn't a lot of snow then- icy grass on the plateau and had to carry my skis up An Caber! However I've been watching it ever since but didn't know the kind of depths that had accumulated. Impressive avalanche too. Think a repeat visit is called for... not with skis though !


Peter Thorn

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16th Mar 2021
Re: 2015 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 20.08hrs on Tue 9 Jun 15
I was walking in the Clashindarroch on the 6th June & got these long distance views of small, low-lying snow patches on Ben Rinnes & the Ladder Hills (not sure which hill as I didn't have a map with me). The cold weather we've had over the past month has helped preserve these patches.

Attachments: Ben Rinnes east flank_6Jun15.jpg (379kB)   Ladder Hills from north_6Jun15.jpg (429kB)  

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Re: 2015 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 19.57hrs on Wed 10 Jun 15
Seen today from St Mary's Loch. Patch looks to be around 50-100m across near NT 1725 2470 @ about 700m ASL on a NE aspect of Cramalt Craig in the Moffat/Tweedsmuir hills.


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Re: 2015 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 06.39hrs on Thu 11 Jun 15
Excellent, Ross! Good to know there's still snow in the south well into June. Given its size, a good candidate for late June, too?

Here is an excellent picture of Observatory Gully, taken yesterday. A good 15m+ depth I'd say, based on the rocks to the side of Tower Scoop.



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13th Apr 2021
Re: 2015 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 09.28hrs on Thu 11 Jun 15
Enjoyed a sunny walk across King's Park, Stirling, yesterday lunchtime. Could see lots of snow patches even without binoculars.

Ben Chonzie - 1 large patch
Ben Vorlich (none)
Stuc a'Chroin - 3 patches
Ben More/ Stob Binean - lots of patches
Ben Ledi - 1 near summit, and two further north
Could not quite see The Cobbler.
Ben Vane (none)
Beinn Charonach (I think) 1 patch
Beinn Ime - lots of patches
Beinn Narnain - lots of patches
Ben Lomond - 2 small patches

Not bad for a stroll from the office in June.


Posts: 2149
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Re: 2015 Scottish snow patch season
Date Posted: 12.05hrs on Thu 11 Jun 15
Neil Wrote:
Enjoyed a sunny walk across King's Park, Stirling, yesterday lunchtime. Could see lots of snow patches even without binoculars.

Ben Ledi - 1 near summit, and two further north

I was up there on Tuesday evening and the biggest one is out of site from Stirling. It sits in a hollow near the summit. I was also up Abbey Craig last night and there's a very decent amount still on Ben Lomond, Ben More and Stob Binnein. Easily visible without binoculars, as you say.

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