I walked a good circuit of Great Dun Fell, Little Dun Fell and Cross Fell yesterday and visited most of the remaining patches on these hills.
Great Dun Fell had 5 patches: 1 in a deep shake hole next to the radar station road at 760m; 1 in Dunfell hush at 780m and the rest in hidden hollows on the NE slope. I would imagine that these all should last until May even the shake hole patch which although small was very sheltered from the sun. There are also 2 small patches just below the summit which are significant because they appear to be the only snow left west of the watershed. They are located in the strean gully that becomes Middle Tongue Beck and are both c.1 x 3 x 0.5m. There was a tiny 3rd patch that has probably already gone.
Little Dun Fell had a few shallow patches at Tees Head.
Cross Fell amazingly still has a dozen or more patches on the Southern flank. I observed these 10 days ago and although quite large seemed fairly shallow, but despite the warm weather they have hung in there. Some of them will last until May. On the East and North slopes there is still a band of patches stretching for over a kilometer from c. GR 697348 to 686352 - altough quite a lot has gone from my last visit some of the patches are up 2m deep and up 100m long. I found a nice patch that I have not seen before at GR 699348. Cross Fell Well is still deep (2m) and large and probably will last longest. The patch just below the main track at the Yad Stone is still c.10m across. There are still a couple of patches to the north on Green Fell near Raehow End.
The Cross Fell patches will make it well into May but I think June survival is unlikely this year. I will return later next month.
Edited 1 times. Last edit at 10.45hrs Mon 27 Apr 15 by Stringy.
1. Dun Fell shake hole patch 26.4.15.JPG (309kB)
2. Dun Fell hush patch 26.4.15.JPG (248kB)
3. Cross Fell SE slope 26.4.15.JPG (192kB)
4. Cross Fell N slope 26.4.15.JPG (267kB)
6. Cross Fell N slope long patch 26.4.15.JPG (259kB)