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1st Sep 2019
CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2017
Date Posted: 07.55hrs on Tue 18 Oct 16
A little late but it has started!

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 07.56hrs Tue 18 Oct 16 by WindyMiller.

Attachments: Ptarmigan1.jpg (53kB)  

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6th Jan 2021
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2017
Date Posted: 20.44hrs on Tue 18 Oct 16
Great stuff - though weather is turning warm...


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Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2017
Date Posted: 22.03hrs on Tue 18 Oct 16
H11lly (Helen) made it an incredible seven years of skiing every consecutive month on the Scottish Mountains on Tuesday having managed to get some thin turns in around the Marquis Well area of CairnGorm above the Ptarmigan T-bar.

Just for the record the earliest start to lift served snowsports on CairnGorm was 17th October 1992 (which was about the only decent period of snow in 1992...)! There was almost a September start in 2004 - but a stormy weekend and subsequent milder weather meant the tows never turned in anger.

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 22.04hrs Tue 18 Oct 16 by alan.


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8th Dec 2020
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2017
Date Posted: 10.02hrs on Wed 19 Oct 16
I would find it hard to have any enthusiasm to get the skis out on that sprinkle of snow - Well done.
(I did think she had missed one month last year of the year before - I hope that I am wrong - not unusual!)


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2nd Sep 2019
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Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2017
Date Posted: 12.48hrs on Wed 19 Oct 16
No months missed Mark, although this one was looking pretty unlikely with the fabulous warm Autumn we've had!

Maybe you're thinking about September 2013, the only month I couldn't ski in the Cairngorms because there was no snow, so I had to visit the long lasting snow patch at Aonach Beag that month.

It's still hale and healthy but absolutely rock solid having survived since then, so I'm very glad I didn't have to make a decision as to whether to go there or not. I might just have decided to call a halt winking smiley



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Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2017
Date Posted: 23.45hrs on Thu 20 Oct 16
Mair folk have been tae the moon, Ya should be in the guinness book of records!

Someone should message Al Gore and let him know he's hit a restless hurdle....


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1st Sep 2019
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2017
Date Posted: 16.39hrs on Mon 7 Nov 16
First day for us on the new season snow. There has been a good fall for this early in November, right down to car park level.

We skinned up the car park tow path to mid station where the snow was much colder then up the cas, 105, traverse to the ptarmigan area. The ski down was excellent. The pistie beastie has been up and down a number of times giving a good base from the ptarmigan down the traverse,105 till the cas cross over then down the cas tow path and zigzags. We chose the home road to get back to the car park as it was pisted with firmer snow for 3/4 of the way, a bit scrappy at the end as you would expect but still an easy ski. Others were using burn side to get back down but there was no base here and the ground under the snow is soft.

A good outing for the first ski, well worth the effort and a bonus to have a pisted route all the way back to the day lodge.

Interesting to see the new layout of the servery in the restaurant. The soup is now in line with the hot food and a coffee machine where the soup used to be. No more jumping the queue when you just want soup but yes if you just want a hot drink and not food. Also having the soup with the hot food helps if you are buying a bunch of different meals, you do not have to go to two separate counters. Still no cold water dispenser though.

Coming up the Car Park tow path

The snow improves just below mid station

The large drifts on the traverse have been pisted out and there is a pisted route top to bottom using the 105, cas tow path, zigzags and home road.

Cas Tow path,

Home Road. A bit thin at the bottom but the piste machine has compacted the snow nicely making the most of what there is.

Before anyone asks, no they could not be running the lifts. It is early season snow, soft away from the tracks and the ground underneath is muddy, But great if you want to walk / skin up and earn your turns.

Some pictures on facebook later


Edited 1 times. Last edit at 16.55hrs Mon 7 Nov 16 by WindyMiller.

Attachments: zigzags piste.JPG (189kB)   carpark tow path.JPG (211kB)   mid station.JPG (176kB)   Cas Tow Path.JPG (234kB)   Home Road.JPG (220kB)  

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Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2017
Date Posted: 16.41hrs on Mon 7 Nov 16
Back online at the CairnGorm SSC Hut - signal is marginal but there is one again! Should see more build up on the balcony over the next few days, it is starting to snow again having cleared to part way up the White Lady briefly earlier.

View cams: []


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20th Dec 2016
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2017
Date Posted: 17.32hrs on Mon 7 Nov 16
Fantastic pictures there from Graeme. Great to be back for another season with what looks like a great start. Here's to a long and cold 16-17 winter.


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6th Jan 2021
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2017
Date Posted: 21.17hrs on Mon 7 Nov 16
Gutted that the cams were off - Mrs MA & I were off work today & would have been up if we'd seen it was like thatsad smiley

Made do with Castleford Xscape instead. Good fun but now seeing what could have been...


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Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2017
Date Posted: 21.38hrs on Mon 7 Nov 16
Wee clip of the blue box trundling past the snowy lower slopes!


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18th Mar 2019
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2017
Date Posted: 09.37hrs on Wed 9 Nov 16
Cams back on today, looking Sweet!



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9th May 2018
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2017
Date Posted: 16.03hrs on Wed 9 Nov 16
Thinking about heading to Cairngorm to skin up tomorrow as the weather forecast doesn't look too bad.
Will the snow cover be good enough to make it worthwhile?


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10th Aug 2019
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2017
Date Posted: 16.18hrs on Wed 9 Nov 16
Yes. Look at the Inverness Backcountry Snowsports Club facebook page.


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9th May 2018
Re: CairnGorm Mountain Snow 2017
Date Posted: 16.46hrs on Wed 9 Nov 16
Cheers! Looks like it will be worth it!

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