It was the first day for up lift at Cairngorm today. If I had drawn up a list of names I thought were going to be there I would not have been far off when I saw everyone, the same faces and nice to see everyone.
The advertised run was the traverse, 105 onto the cas tow path, the zigzags and then home road to the base station using the train as uplift which was running non stop.
The snow was a dry creamy texture, lovely to ski on the only problem was you could not see it. The visibility ranged from very poor to "where is the ground!" It was a case of pointing your skis in the correct direction and hoping you saw the next marker pole before you went off the run, which I did quite spectacularly on the home road and so did a number of others are various parts of the ski down. The good news is it was snowing constantly. The wind was significant at the top station though it did subside during the day. The lower runs were much more sheltered.
I am sure if we could have seen where we were going there would have been much more options to go off piste but as it was the run was difficult enough in the drifting snow.
The team have reported the ciste tow path has been pisted but you just could not see anything, not a day to venture away from the marker poles. The machines were working on burnside but no poles out yet so kept away.
The snow canons, including the TF10 were running constantly. Apparently this is day 7 now of constant running.
We skied from 10:00 to 15:00 when the light started to fade, time to go home. Not too bad for the first day.
Not many pictures today due to the bad vis.
I am unhappy with the situation too but it is just not economical for me to go anywhere else since I am only 15 mins way from the slopes, if we could keep this thread to conditions only please.
Car park first thing, more snow by evening time
I think this capures the cold, wind and visiblity
Occasionally you could see, but not often
The big TF10 running as were the smaller T40s
The home road, the run down was very well prepared top to bottom, though some drifting was accumulating along the fences.
Edited 1 times. Last edit at 17.22hrs Thu 30 Nov 17 by WindyMiller.
carpark.JPG (314kB)
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