And then the sun came out. After three days of steadily increasing wind cumulating in yesterdays major storm and shut down of the mountain the weather finally broke by about 10:30 this morning giving a lovely day with little wind.
The snow pack has gone hard after yesterdays rain though the pisting has broken it up giving a reasonable surface. Death cookies were in abundance ready to catch the unaware. By the afternoon most of these had been munched and generally good skiing on all runs. The wind with freeze/ thaw has done its job with most runs now complete with wide cover between the fences. Out side of the fences in the unpisted zones the snow is spars and hard.
There had been some fresh snow and some runs had gained, especially down the fence lines. The cas in particular has caught the fresh snow, skiers left of the fence line.
The ciste was off first thing while the machines patched a hole in the middle of the fairway, once done the lift opened. The WWP opened about 15:00 after a technical fault on the new unload station. This allowed us two runs before it closed again at 16:00. Thanks to Colin for keeping it open a bit longer to allow us the extra run.
The skiing to use the WWP is the M2 and over yonder. Both are in good condition. Tomorrow they hope to open the ciste gully.
The M2 is still holding its head high and the day lodge is much improved with only a small area of brown snow, easy to ski.
The white lady is nice, a little firm but ok. M1 death cookies, best avoided.
The fiacaill is still holding on in there and ran all day as did the M1.
There have been some questions why the cas t-bar is not running. The run is now wide on both sides of the fence and the load and unload areas have been prepared. The issue the path passing through the gun barrel area, it is sloping significantly. If general members of the public were using it the chance of them slipping off side ways into the gun barrel is a high possibly hurting them self but more importantly they could damage the lift

More snow is needed to flatten out the tow path.
A good day on the mountain with most terrain open. Tomorrow looks good then back to yuck at the weekend.
This is my last post for 10 days or so, off to Tignes. They appear to be having their own problems at the moment with too much snow so fingers crossed we get there!
Any one want to step up and post pictures for the next week or so?
Evening sun set. No matter how often you see this it is still spectacular.
White lady firm under foot though good skiing
The cas is wide on both side of the fence. The reason the lift is not running is the angle of the tow path as it passes along side the gun barrel. Its ready to dump an unexpected person sideways.
Over yonder from the M2, soft snow down to the WWP
The half pipe construction has started, park rats at the ready!
Edited 1 times. Last edit at 18.39hrs Thu 25 Jan 18 by WindyMiller.
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