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9th Jul 2019
Re: CairnGorm Funicular - Operation stopped as safety precaution
Date Posted: 19.51hrs on Fri 12 Oct 18
Doug_Bryce Wrote:

Interestingly the Scottish government have been trying to replace / modernise HIE for many years... However opposition parties have staunchly united to prevent it happening. So many questions : not least the cosy relationship HIE have with Natural Retreats. (Not just at Cairngorm but also John O Groats!)

MSPs vote to 'reverse' Highlands and Islands Enterprise plans

A reading of the Audit Scotland reports on HIE in general indicates how desirable subsuming HIE into a national enterprise body might have been.

Ref timescales, the main hope must be that limited repairs will suffice, otherwise due to issues of process, funding, technical and supply lead times (with EU Procurement Directives likely to still be applicable; which can't afford to be breached this time again) there's a realistic possibility of being without a regular solution for two or three seasons or more.

As mentioned above by another, this needs ScotGov intervention - write to our MSPs perhaps?


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Re: CairnGorm Funicular - Operation stopped as safety precaution
Date Posted: 20.38hrs on Fri 12 Oct 18
^ Yip. If they need to repair each support then that means taking the track off and waiting until next summer. Pouring concrete in cold weather is what caused this problem....

At risk of speculating : repair bill could very easily become 4-5 million or more.



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Re: CairnGorm Funicular - Operation stopped as safety precaution
Date Posted: 22.42hrs on Fri 12 Oct 18
There is at least a possibility that the various issues with the Funicular will be long term and ongoing - as it has been described as a developing situation.

A step back at least should be considered in that the ongoing upkeep needs and costs should be lower if the Funicular always operated at low summer speed and half capacity, thus there may well be an economic case for giving up on the Funicular as a high capacity high speed lift and providing the big capacity for winter with modern chairlifts (in either Corrie).

Not only is there the means of providing redundancy in non surface uplift to the top, but it would allow the Funicular carriages to be fitted out to provide a much better visiter experience year round. On the days only the Funicular could run, the numbers are going to be lower anyway and that is becoming more the case with improved forecasting and information.


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Re: CairnGorm Funicular - Operation stopped as safety precaution
Date Posted: 00.04hrs on Sat 13 Oct 18
Could pop the ''frosted' windows out the daft thing and give folk something tae look at.


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19th Feb 2021
Re: CairnGorm Funicular - Operation stopped as safety precaution
Date Posted: 07.23hrs on Sat 13 Oct 18
Perhaps it's time for something radical - lift upgrade (first otherwise it'll get ditched in budget over runs), move down the hill - return of the Glenmore base idea and Funitel access and strip out the train.

Removes some of the road issues and opening up, current base to Glenmore bike trails option and de clutter the hill. Short term capacity issues resolved.


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Re: CairnGorm Funicular - Operation stopped as safety precaution
Date Posted: 09.13hrs on Sat 13 Oct 18
Think BIG.

Think OVER the box.

Tweet Elon Musk that there's a baby robin in distress near the top cafe and next thing you know there'll be a hyperloop train from outside the khazi's near the Mountain Cafe up to the bun que in the Ptarmigan.

Will NR be updating their piste maps for this season?


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Re: CairnGorm Funicular - Operation stopped as safety precaution
Date Posted: 13.19hrs on Sat 13 Oct 18
Give them a few days and they'll be marketing themselves as the premier family backcountry destination in Europe.

"Grab a Starbucks and pizza for your pack (From 10am till 3pm) before roaming the Natural Retreats plateau. Take the kids up and picnic on the exquisite summit of Natural Retreats Ben Macdooooeee TM and keep your eyes peeled for the Natural Retreats Grey man TM. Swim in the pure waters of the Natural Retreats Lock Avonny beach resort TM.

Car park charges apply @£80 an hour. All guests to leave the Natural Retreats plateau by 3pm. All guests to leave the car park by 3:10pm. Surcharge of £150 per child. Surcharge of £170 per picture taken of the Natural Retreats plateau TM and Natural Retreats Ben Macdooooeee TM. Surcharge of £300 per picture taken of the Natural Retreats Grey man. Spaces on the Lock Avonny beach can not be guaranteed. Your car is liable to be damaged by the car park surface. Pre booking (non refundable) @ £500 PP is advised."


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Re: CairnGorm Funicular - Operation stopped as safety precaution
Date Posted: 19.34hrs on Sat 13 Oct 18
I've said it before, but the bruttish government should get one of their money laundering customers tae wash it through the ski resorts investing to 'clean' more. Make wesmunster tell the tramps tae put some of their well dodgy cash back into a society instead of just charging a small percentage and less obvious to the outside world..

Make corruption work!


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14th Jun 2024
Re: CairnGorm Funicular - Operation stopped as safety precaution
Date Posted: 19.45hrs on Sat 13 Oct 18
growwild Wrote:
I've said it before, but the bruttish government should get one of their money laundering customers tae wash it through the ski resorts investing to 'clean' more. Make wesmunster tell the tramps tae put some of their well dodgy cash back into a society instead of just charging a small percentage and less obvious to the outside world..

Make corruption work!

Sorry but Westminster has got sod all to do in this...its the Scottish Gov who had a chance to disband the enterprise organisations & didn't as there was an outcry from various Scottish business sectors etc...(someone earlier mentioned this)

This is a Scottish problem between the council, the Scot Gov & the Enterprise bodies...

The only other people who have had any big say is the EU due to the funding the funicular got from their funding dept....

---That was not a fall, I intended to do that!---


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Re: CairnGorm Funicular - Operation stopped as safety precaution
Date Posted: 22.03hrs on Sat 13 Oct 18
Whooooosh - I'm just putting forward another source of revenue and a good use for money that's getting washed every second anyway which the few benefit fae.

The Scottish government are knobs too but the corruption up here is loose change tae wits cleaned doon there.. A ski resort would be great place tae clean cash and the dodgy of the dodgy all deal with london though a lot of the washers have been Scottish over the years, "the world is not enough" for some. If the brits used these unexplained wealth laws on their own we'd aw be rich and tax free lol

Some things are above wee heeds....

But, let natural retreats and co make a business out what they have then invest and as HIE own the estate it sits on they can borrow cash against it, if they want public cash directly they walk and let a tourism/sporting body take over and do Alans plan and feck the plants n shit and move up the hill and expand and make it worth a trip


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10th Aug 2019
Re: CairnGorm Funicular - Operation stopped as safety precaution
Date Posted: 12.50hrs on Sun 14 Oct 18
SnowmanDave Wrote:
growwild Wrote:
I've said it before, but the bruttish government should get one of their money laundering customers tae wash it through the ski resorts investing to 'clean' more. Make wesmunster tell the tramps tae put some of their well dodgy cash back into a society instead of just charging a small percentage and less obvious to the outside world..

Make corruption work!

Sorry but Westminster has got sod all to do in this...its the Scottish Gov who had a chance to disband the enterprise organisations & didn't as there was an outcry from various Scottish business sectors etc...(someone earlier mentioned this)

This is a Scottish problem between the council, the Scot Gov & the Enterprise bodies...

The only other people who have had any big say is the EU due to the funding the funicular got from their funding dept....

---That was not a fall, I intended to do that!---

I am with you on that one. HIE are the main cause of this and it comes down to an organisational arrogance and ignorance which is the main feature of their actions.

What will they do now? No dry slope and no train.

some frustrated skier

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16th Feb 2021
Re: CairnGorm Funicular - Operation stopped as safety precaution
Date Posted: 13.46hrs on Sun 14 Oct 18
Did the dry slope get knocked back?


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Re: CairnGorm Funicular - Operation stopped as safety precaution
Date Posted: 15.11hrs on Sun 14 Oct 18
some frustrated skier Wrote:
Did the dry slope get knocked back?

Planning officers recommended approval but the CNPA planning committee refused planning permission.


Posts: 3550
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Re: CairnGorm Funicular - Operation stopped as safety precaution
Date Posted: 17.23hrs on Sun 14 Oct 18
Another whoosh makes it a stage 2 rocket...

some frustrated skier

Posts: 236
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16th Feb 2021
Re: CairnGorm Funicular - Operation stopped as safety precaution
Date Posted: 20.20hrs on Sun 14 Oct 18
alan Wrote:
some frustrated skier Wrote:
Did the dry slope get knocked back?

Planning officers recommended approval but the CNPA planning committee refused planning permission.

Pardon the pun but the cracks seem to be appearing in this organisation. Hopefully this shows the frailty of the business plan for both winter and summer. I don't want to see the accounts after this coming winter.

Now hopefully they'll listen to those who have voted with their feet and those who want to help and offer advise (for free).

Chairlifts please to supplement not replace.

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