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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 15.22hrs on Thu 3 May 07
Scottish ships, dont call us bankies brits.. Scottish engineering-Scottish skills.
It will be a sad day for me, after a YES vote, when I wake up and I will be a foreigner in much of my own country.
Wits dae ya mean? Yer still welcome up here, but nae union jacks..
[ news.scotsman.com]
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 06.10hrs on Fri 4 May 07
You know what I meant Grow! The attitude WAS different then. Many working class people my grandfather's (and even father's - who is a Brit) age were British first and Scottish second.
And after independence I suppose I would have to be either a British citizen or a Scottish citizen. Decisions like this could split families. I could find myself, after 30-odd years, literally being a different Nationality to my parents, or sister, or cousins.
In the REME I spent 6 months in the Balkans. I've seen what Nationalism does, the ugly undercurrent. I can't bear to see the Balkanazation of Britain.
Spoilt papers? Is this going to be a Florida type election! I can see the SNP conspiracy theories growing...
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 12.43hrs on Fri 4 May 07
Spoilt papers aye! Bloody typical. Ma man on the inside said "they" will never let it happen though, but its not over yet!!
OHHH an army man William.. For queen and country,lol..
I spent a bit of time in Croatia in 2000/01 with some of the maddest fookers in this planet, I probaly had the best time I've ever had ther in my life.. And some very close moments when I thought my time was up..
SO, spoilt papers!!
What happend there, eh?, was it not going the way the brits liked it? eh? I wonder who owns these counting machines? really owns them?
I want to fight!!!
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 14.17hrs on Fri 4 May 07
It is an absolute disgrace, and an embarrassment
Multiple papers, scanning machines? It's all crap. What do you need? - One piece of paper. One X. And human counters. Simple. It's worked forever.
Why are they making it so complicated?
This is supposed to be one of the great democracies and we can't even run a fair election. Many of the seats are now held with majorities smaller than the amount of spoilt papers. These politicians do NOT have a mandate. Over 100,000 spoilt papers in a tiny electorate like Scotland is a big problem.
The election needs to be declared void and re-run.
But that isn't going to happen. Democracy my arse.
(what happend there, eh?, was it not going the way the brits liked it? eh?)
Well, Govan for instance - is now held by the SNP with a smaller majority than the amount of spoiled papers but there are examples all over the show, with all parties being affected.
Edited 2 times. Last edit at 14.21hrs Fri 4 May 07 by William.
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 14.31hrs on Fri 4 May 07
Just to get the "spoiled ballots" in perspective...100,000 spoiled in Scotland, is same proportion as if you have 1,000,000 "spoiled votes" in a UK General Election.
So it is a big concern - I think it was a mistake to adopt 2 different systems (crosses AND numbers) on the same day of Polling.
For the Conspiracy Theorists, perhaps the agenda is not Scottish. - because, who is really going to win if PR is discredited.??? - Yes, the London Parties; Labour & Conservative.
If Labour & Conservative can discredit the PR system, as being complex & unreliable, then they can keep their grip on Westminster, using the current first-past-post system.
Edited 1 times. Last edit at 14.32hrs Fri 4 May 07 by HTH.
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 14.36hrs on Fri 4 May 07
I am not a fan of these fangled voting systems.
What is more simple than marking a X next to somebody's name?
(btw, I don't believe in Conspiracy Theories, but never underestimate the power of Professional Politicans to mess things up)
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 15.02hrs on Fri 4 May 07
From what I've heard from a couple of people that were at counts the problem doesnt appear to be holding an STV council election on the same day, only a handful of ballots have been rejected for voting for more than one candidate in the FPTP seats. What appears to be the case is that a very many people didn't vote for any candidate in the FPTP election, only voting for the regional list.
The breakdown of who these one vote papers were for might tell us a lot, I wonder if at least a good part of the "spoilt papers" are down to supporters of the Smaller parties, esp the SSP who this time round didn't stand in the FPTP seats, "spolling" their FPTP ballot by exercising an effective non of the above by just not casting a vote as in many cases only the four many parties were up for election in FPTP seats.
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Last Visited: 08:32 12th Apr 2008
Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 15.11hrs on Fri 4 May 07
that's even worse! I cannot agree with the notion that voting in one part but not another is a spoiled vote! "None Of The Above" should always be an option when voting.
(btw I have spoiled votes in the past, when the list of candidates hasn't suited me. I cross them out and write down who I want. If voting was compulsory (as in Australia) and more people did this then the dunderheeds running the show might wise up!)
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 15.29hrs on Fri 4 May 07
Quote: that's even worse! I cannot agree with the notion that voting in one part but not another is a spoiled vote! "None Of The Above" should always be an option when voting.
AFAIK one vote papers are included in the count for the half of the ballot in which there was a vote. Thus it will be very interesting to see the rejected ballots totals for the regional votes.
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 16.55hrs on Fri 4 May 07
What a shambles today. I work for one of the Lothian area councils and although I was not involved in the count, four of us in Finance were drafted in this morning to do additional reconciliations on the counts.
The way the results were announced was also a bit of a shambles and I could see that many of the canditates were irritated that the result wasn't announced until after mid-day. The count was complete by 6am but there were issues that had to be resolved after everyone had their couple of hours rest before the results were finally announced.
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 17.31hrs on Fri 4 May 07
Wits the score ????
OOOOOOOHOOOOOWOOOOO The tide is turning!
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 17.33hrs on Fri 4 May 07
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 17.49hrs on Fri 4 May 07
Who's gonie be the daddy in bonnie Scotlands parliment?
And wit aboot that numptie Gordon Broon, he said he didnae want to deal with the new lord.. Hahahahahahaha Jack mcconnels a prick!!
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 17.51hrs on Fri 4 May 07
The Union Flag is slowly lowering over Scotland.........
Posts: 3550
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 18.04hrs on Fri 4 May 07
Government Announcement
A number of skips will be placed in your local town centre tonight and other strategic places, will all people who recide in these bonnie lands put all union jacks and royal souvineers in these for a big bonfire, please... As soon as!
Oh flower of Scotland, when will we see, your likes again?
Foooking soon!!!
Edit:: Now who has my oil??? I heard the brits are burning loads of paper work in the goverment offices?
Edited 1 times. Last edit at 18.08hrs Fri 4 May 07 by growwild.