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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 19.08hrs on Mon 14 May 07
If you were born in Scotland in terms of the UK at least your nationality is that of a Citizen of the United Kingdom, but your legal country of origin is not Britain, it is Scotland.

The Kingdom of Scotland ceased to exist as an independent country

You confuse the notion of the sovereign state with that of an Nation. A nation need not be a sovereign state to be a nation, nor is a state necessarily a Nation. Statehood and nationhood are not the same thing.


"The United Kingdom is the sovereign state or realm that covers England, Scotland, Wales (the island of Great Britain) and Northern Ireland and which for over one hundred years included the whole of the island of Ireland."

From Wiki - don't see the reference to the UK as a single country there.

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 19.08hrs Mon 14 May 07 by alan.

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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 21.32hrs on Mon 14 May 07
re;WILLIAM; In my opinion,i am SCOTTISH,my ethnicity is SCOTTISH,my nationality is SCOTTISH and,for travelling purposes only,i am required to carry a document which states that i am a british citizen.I was born in SCOTLAND,have two SCOTTISH parents,and will always be proud to be SCOTTISH,and never will be proud to be british.Roll on the day when we can all have our SCOTTISH passports,i along with many other SCOTS will be quite happy to burn anything which implies i am british.I agree totally with ALAN and GROWWILD.

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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 09.36hrs on Tue 15 May 07
didn't raphael samuel say we were a nation of mongrels? It's generally a bit worrying when people start citing parents and purity and etc. My parents are of scottish/irish/english/french descent. If anyone tells me to go home I wonder where I should go?

I felt sick when TB (lair) said we were 'the greatest country on earth'

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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 12.46hrs on Tue 15 May 07
I think ya should go tae Scotland Pavlf!

Sounds like ye have more Celt in ya than any other winking smiley

William our little(big) brit teacup, if this is the country of britain( spit) then why in the cencus does it give us the option of saying we are Scottish?

Quote fae "Wiki"

>Scotland and Wales adopted devolved governments in the 1990s, but have long been described as countries in their own right. Although England lacks a devolved government of its own, and no real legal existence, except as part of "England and Wales", it is almost universally thought of as a country and a nation...

So engerland has no real legal status then, hmmmmmmmmmmmm! Doees that mean when the mightys Scots gain there freedom fae this shower then we should have have control of the oil etc(everything) as they dont really excist in the eyes of the law?????


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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 17.52hrs on Wed 16 May 07
Whoooooooooo's THE DADDY!!!!!!! smiling smiley

Whats gonie happen noo? What diferences will be made?


Edited 1 times. Last edit at 21.36hrs Wed 16 May 07 by growwild.

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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 18.23hrs on Wed 16 May 07
alan Wrote:
> From Wiki - don't see the reference to the UK as a
> single country there.

it says "sovereign state" - that is singular. At least when I went to school. It doesn't say a federation or commonwealth of stateS.

alan Wrote:
If you were born in Scotland in terms of the UK at least your nationality is that of a Citizen of the United Kingdom, but your legal country of origin is not Britain, it is Scotland.

What am I in other terms (disregarding the UK somehow?) I don't understand?

Country of origin? Never heard of it. I don't disbelieve you at all, just never seen that term on anything other than European food labels! (it's not another European idea is it?) What does it mean in theory or practice?

alan Wrote:
You confuse the notion of the sovereign state with that of an Nation. A nation need not be a sovereign state to be a nation, nor is a state necessarily a Nation. Statehood and nationhood are not the same thing.

I'm not confused at all. I know what I am and where I am from. Maybe you are confused? remember this?

" William, what Scottish72 wrote is not Opinion, it is FACT.

I've merely pointed out, with quotes, that what was written was not exactly a FACT (something which you haven't refuted). But we seem to be arguing over semantics - over what a Country, Nation or State actually is and inter-changing the terms to suit.

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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 18.48hrs on Wed 16 May 07
With regards Country of Origin (i.e. birth) is fairly common on official forms, I first encountered it on a Uni/College application form, and it was made clear in instructions that if we put Scottish as nationality instead of the UK the form would be rejected, it equally made clear that the UK could not be given as 'Country of Origin', that would legally in my case be Scotland. Confused yet? tongue sticking out smiley

I said in terms of the UK because some other nation states will only recognise sovereign states as nations, whatever the legal situation within that given state. As an example I had problems with the US immigration procedures for putting Country of Birth as Scotland on a US form, as “the US does not recognise the constituent parts of the UK”.

As an aside on that, I had to sign a deceleration that I was not entering the USA to partake in terrorism against the interests of the USA. Tick this box if your a terrorist.... eye rolling smiley

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12th Apr 2008
Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 19.02hrs on Wed 16 May 07
> i am required to carry a document
> which states that i am a british blah blah blah i along with many
> other SCOTS will be quite happy to burn anything
> which implies i am british.

You are a disgrace and a hypocrite.

You are NOT required to carry a British passport.

If your hatred is so strong that you are "quite" happy to resort to burning passports, why don't you do the obvious and apply for a passport of another country? I'm sure countless countries would be delighted to issue you with one.

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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 20.26hrs on Wed 16 May 07
Something of a historic day today I believe. In keeping with Mr Salmond's current concilliatory tone...please keep the toys in the pram..aren't we all Jock Tamson's bairns?


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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 21.35hrs on Wed 16 May 07
I'm led to belive William that if you are born in the perfect Scotland and you wish to travel abroad to far off lands then ya have to get one if these brit passports, which implies one is a brit and a subject of that foreign honking family..

Until such a time we are no longer under occupation from tyrants then I dunno any other way of getting oot the country(legal)...

I'll burn mine when I don't need it, naebody else will have any use for it and a dont want tae be seeing it again so it's getting it!! Thats aw that will get burnt though, i don't have anything else wi any of that crap on it. But i might buy something just for the smile factor.

Ooooohhhhh, I wonder wit all the brits are thinking down HQ(london) the now, will they be on the pan? Or turning up the pumps on the rigs draining the oil quickstyle and cashing in afore we take whats ours???


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12th Apr 2008
Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 15.12hrs on Thu 17 May 07
growwild Wrote:
> I'm led to belive William that if you are born in
> the perfect Scotland and you wish to travel abroad
> to far off lands then ya have to get one if these
> brit passports,

Apply for a passport from another country! Millions have them.

I'm just saying, if the British passport offends so much that you want to burn it, then that is your option.

In Britain you are free to do so. Of course, I reckon carrying a British document and greetin like a big wean about it on a website is easier than actually doing something about it!

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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 19.55hrs on Thu 17 May 07
Well William,i don't know what's disgraceful about being a patriotic Scotsman. If we Scots wan't to travel then i'm afraid we are required to carry a british passport,whoever told you otherwise is obviously an eejit. Also,'hatred'(your word,not mine)is a bit strong.I have English frinds who see themselves as English rather than british.Don't know where the hypocrisy comes into play. When we get Scottish passports,i will burn the british one.At that point you'll probably still be busy chucking your toy's out the pram,boo-hoo!

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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 15.32hrs on Fri 18 May 07
How can i apply for a foreign passport then William, another one not the foreign one i have just now?

The more i think about it it might be a good thing, as ya know the brits are bombing folk under the guise of stopping/creating this "Global Terrorism" so me having this brit passport could in theory be a very dangerous thing.. What if i was involved a kidnapping/hijacking or any other terrorist incedent and the terrorists asked tae see my passport? Well that brit one would just get me murdered so I need a passport from a safe country of peace..

Any suggestions? I'd like one fae Jamaica so i can head up ja mountains and grow da erb of love and peace man, Or a Scottish passport will do smiling smiley Or maybe even North Korea or Iran..

I no longer feel safe in this country as the hypocritical brits are no longer making it safe winking smiley

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 15.34hrs Fri 18 May 07 by growwild.

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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 02.12hrs on Sat 19 May 07
all very useful sentiments mr growwild, the thing is you're confusing the issues of disgust with the present "global" situation with some idyllic notion of a truly independent state. don't you think that all the people in england - or at the least quite a sizeable dose of them - feel just the same as you about this stuff? and do you seriously think some "little" issue as to who is "on the face of it" in charge of your country, area, field, whatever, will really make a genuine difference? All that stuff you are on about belongs in a global context, not a local one. It isn't an Englsih thing, nor an american one, not russian nor what you like, it's a thing to do with supra-national industries that completely wipe the floor with your soctland or my england or matey's lithuania - it's all arbitrary ...

the sooner people suss that silly squabbles over nationality are not the point the better we will all be served.

Our enemy is most certainly not - in this context (nor any other actually) - each other. Big business won't respect your borders. (they might respect your boarders tho - some ad deals goin there I guess ;-0))

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12th Apr 2008
Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 11.56hrs on Sat 19 May 07
growwild Wrote:
> I no longer feel safe in this country as the
> hypocritical brits are no longer making it safe

well, there's your answer Grow!

You and that illiterate fool Scottish72 could claim political asylum somewhere safe! New passport. Easy-peasy.
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