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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 01.29hrs on Tue 14 Aug 07
The SNP, if they are clever will try to get a multi-option referendum through, with the predictable majority vote going to 'more powers for Holyrood but not Independence as yet'. The only way they'll get it is a gradual approach.
Interesting though, that their vote has gone up in the polls since they got in...


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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 07.00hrs on Tue 14 Aug 07
I think the 'more powers for Holyrood' route would probably see England wishing to remove itself from the Union! (which is exacly what the SNP want).

The English are sick of Scots getting preferential treatment at Westminster, and extra spending on public services (the rights and wrongs of which can be argued forever) and also demanding more independence.

We cannot have it both ways!

More powers for Holyrood must, by definition, mean less powers for Scotland in Westminster. But I am not sure how Scotland can really extracate itself, politically and economically, from it's much larger and richer neighbour.

Now, many 'pro-independence' thinkers, (which is most SNP voters) think that the SNP have the people's mandate. and that mandate is a referendum on independence.

The same people are also crying that Labour/Tories/Lib Dems are blocking the people's mandate.

How can that possibly be? If the SNP DO have a mandate, how can that mandate be blocked. They can't argue both sides of the coin!!

Was the choice of the Scots at the last election broadly Unionist?

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 07.03hrs Tue 14 Aug 07 by William.


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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 08.08hrs on Tue 14 Aug 07
William Wrote:
> Was the choice of the Scots at the last election
> broadly Unionist?

Unfortunately the choice of Scots given the % turnout, at the last election was broadly Apathy.


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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 10.33hrs on Tue 14 Aug 07
William, because people don't vote for political parties on the basis of a SINGLE issue. It is totally condecending of Labour, Tories and Lib Dems to claim that a vote for them was first and foremoest a Unionist vote, or for that matter that every vote for the SNP was a vote to break up the UK.


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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 14.32hrs on Tue 14 Aug 07
That's not true at all Alan. You may be a sophisticated voter, but most are not. People DO vote on single issues. The Economy, Health Service, Immigration, etc. etc. Political parties, not least the SNP, know this. This is why the slogan, or sound bite has flourished.

Just look at politics in Northern Ireland. Single issue voters. The vast majority either vote Nationalist or they vote Unionist.

It's not beyond the realms of imagination to think that Nationlists and Unionists in Scotland vote along similar lines is it? Are people that different across the water? No, I don't think so. Closer to home, do you think voters like our dear Growild devoured the SNP, Labour and Liberal manifestos before deciding on who to vote for? Ditto UKIP or BNP voters.

Many people vote for single issues. Even if that issue is to kick the current government out.

At the last election it was abundantly clear, at least to me (and I don't consider myself that far removed from normal thinking!) that it was a single issue election.

On one side you had the three "British" parties peddling the same old same old. On the other you had the SNP promising independence. Now, I don't doubt that there must have been a few voters that voted for the SNP ahead of the Liberals because of the policy on, say, Edinburgh's transport system. I also don't doubt that these people were in the vast minority.

Now, the "British" parties made it clear that they did not support independence. They took that policy to the voters. We all complain when political parties DO NOT honour their election promises, so it is a bit rich to complain when they do.

The SNP did not gain enough seats to get everything it's own way. Whose fault is that?

Edited 6 times. Last edit at 20.07hrs Tue 14 Aug 07 by William.


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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 22.13hrs on Tue 14 Aug 07
William, what are you bringing to the 'National Conversation'? It would appear that none of the parties are going to support the status quo so what would extra powers would you like to see coming to the Scottish Parliament?


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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 14.24hrs on Wed 15 Aug 07

YO gaylord, i did look at the brit loving scum manifestos of pure bull droppings, but as they are union loving twats, DID i take any notice? not a fecking chance!!

our day will come..


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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 19.33hrs on Wed 15 Aug 07
growwild Wrote:
> YO gaylord, i did look at the brit loving scum
> manifestos of pure bull droppings, but as they are
> union loving twats, DID i take any notice? not a
> fecking chance!!

Gaylord? haha - Haven't heard that since Junior School. When do you go up to the big school? Or are they keeping you back another year again?

But I think you proved the point I was making to Alan quite well.

Edited 2 times. Last edit at 19.35hrs Wed 15 Aug 07 by William.


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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 19.37hrs on Wed 15 Aug 07
jonners Wrote:
> William, what are you bringing to the 'National
> Conversation'? It would appear that none of the
> parties are going to support the status quo so
> what would extra powers would you like to see
> coming to the Scottish Parliament?

The powers that are removed from Westminster. It's obvious that issues that ONLY affect Scots should be decided by Scots. I think I've said before that I would like to see a Federal Republic.


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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 21.40hrs on Wed 15 Aug 07

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Posts: 3550
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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 14.32hrs on Thu 16 Aug 07
William Wrote:
>It's obvious that issues that ONLY affect Scots should
> be decided by Scots.

Wit happened, did yer big white fairy of a horse bite ya, wow- William for Scotland? hmmmmmmm

Wit issues are these?

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