firefly Wrote:
> Thanks, Ross.
> I'll bear that in mind for next year. I remember
> a few years ago (2001 I think) seeing a patch of
> snow on the Ochils in June as I was driving from
> Stirling to Perth, but didn't realise snow could
> persist so long in the Moffat hills. I assumed
> that Merrick or Broad Law would hold snow the
> longest.
> Glad to be corrected!
Cheers Firefly and I wouldn't say you were corrected because in general, we get a lot more rain than snow and consolidating layers are rare as most of the previous snowfall except the cornices etc usually gets washed away before the next lot comes along
The remaining snow patches I saw were probably no bigger than say 10-15 ft across anyway and I don't think there were any past March the previous winter. There must be enough general snow cover around most winters though as there are Mountain Hares about. I'll try to take photos of patches for 2009 though.
alice Wrote:
> moffatross - Am curious, have you ever done any
> backcountry down this way? Is it even possible?
> I have recently moved to D&G and am wondering
> if I have any alternatives to the 4 hour drive up
> north to go for a slide this season...
Where are you ? It must be west of Dumfries if you are looking at 4 hours but it would be easier for you to get to some of D&G's prettiest hills like Merrick etc.
I think there's lots of options when the snow's about, you've just got to get out there quickly before it gets washed away. I did my first local sliding on Broad Law after getting some Fritschis / skins / ski boards in April this year, a couple of pics here ...
Winter last, I trudged up to Loch Skeen [] where there is Lochcraig 801 m (right hand side of picture) and White Coomb 821m (middle left hand side) and all just 7 miles away from Moffat but I turned back for lack of daylight. That's now on my to do list for this winter with an earlier start.
It is a nice way of exploring the hills in winter and I've seen a few other photos around the web of folk skiing the hills down this way. I emailed this person a while back who's got a page on his website about ski touring in D&G but not had a reply yet. Here's a few of his ideas ...
I've always been happy to do the drive north (2.5 hrs to Glencoe from Moffat) and as long as I can still afford it and there's good cover on the lift-served hills then that will still make up most of my skiing in Scotland because even if my children had their own ski gear, they wouldn't walk up any hills with me (lazy little b.....ds).
Edited 2 times. Last edit at 09.04hrs Tue 21 Oct 08 by moffatross.