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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 15.55hrs on Wed 6 Jun 07

Have you a stockpile of nooses and crosses in yer garage?

>you seem to know everything


Where did ya get that name link from? I would guess thats of a news feed from a NF site or BNP or some crap along those lines?

Why moan aboot foreigners, though a lot of asians are born here. When ya love britain and the union jack and thats all about oppressing other countries?

I would say mohammed is become more popular as they are having more kids. And this all comes back tae maggie the arshole thatcher, and this money/greed taking ower.. This in turn gave lassies the thinking that they should leave the breeding hutch and go oot and work and have careers and let the dishes pile up.. smiling smiley

Blame maggie!


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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 16.47hrs on Wed 6 Jun 07
growwild Wrote:
> This one?
> And yes, I kicked fannybaws's ass!!
> --------------------------------------------------
> --------
No a whole forum i.e.

1. Growwild vs William
2. Mountain Biking
3. Scottish Snow & Mountain Sports
4. The Winterhighland Bothy
5. Scottish Snowsport Archive

It made me laugh but it’s gone now

go slide....

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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 19.26hrs on Wed 6 Jun 07
When was this II, I never seen..

William, did you see it?

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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 20.55hrs on Wed 6 Jun 07
i remember seeing that late one nite but it was gone as soon as it was put up

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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 22.56hrs on Wed 6 Jun 07
Its still there if you know where to look! winking smiley

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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 22.56hrs on Wed 6 Jun 07
hahahaha, wit wis in it?

Edit: Aye your the boss man, u gotta know where tae look, lol

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 22.58hrs Wed 6 Jun 07 by growwild.

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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 14.36hrs on Thu 7 Jun 07
I didn't see the William vs Grow forum??

growwild Wrote:

>I would say mohammed is become more popular as they are having more kids

genius - I knew you were on the ball!

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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 14.57hrs on Thu 7 Jun 07
Link is here:

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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 16.46hrs on Fri 29 Jun 07

Looks like the mighty Scottish are running Scotland and now with old Saggy face in power down the road and with his we re-shuffle in the brit power hoose we are running England!!

Could this be a mighty Scottish plan drawn up many wrinkles ago in a clasroom in Fife tae finish thee auld enemy?!!!!!!


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12th Apr 2008
Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 21.06hrs on Sun 1 Jul 07
Blair is a Scot...

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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 21.55hrs on Sun 1 Jul 07
Erm, he's A TONY!! hahahaa

And a knob, look at these pair a fannies trying tae blow up the airport. Aw this shit is through him and his mates..

Thick b*stards these terrorist peckers!!! Anyone and everyone has tae know ya don't fook wi us by now, they only had tae read a book on history to know that, maybe they should put in the next edition of the koran "DO NOT fook wi the Scottish as they will batter u, even if ye are on fire ya cock"

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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 22.08hrs on Sun 1 Jul 07
William Wrote:
> umm
> Blair is a Scot...

He doesn't like being reminded of that, which probably suits most Scots! tongue sticking out smiley

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12th Apr 2008
Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 16.37hrs on Mon 2 Jul 07
growwild Wrote:
> maybe they should put in the next edition of the koran "DO NOT fook wi the Scottish as they will batter u, even if ye are on fire ya cock"

How about in big letters on the front:


Anyway. 90% burns for that bastard. Ouch.


Edited 1 times. Last edit at 16.38hrs Mon 2 Jul 07 by William.

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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 21.21hrs on Mon 13 Aug 07
In May, the people of Scotland voted for a range of political parties, none of which command majority support. The parties we represent - together representing 65% of voters in Scotland - believe that Scotland as a whole, and individual Scots, have the best chance of success and progress inside the United Kingdom.

We therefore regret the fact that the minority SNP administration, representing less than a third of Scottish voters, will tomorrow publish a white paper which is designed to further their party's central objective to take Scotland outside the United Kingdom.

The SNP is squandering taxpayers' money in pursuit of their own narrow and failed agenda. They have promised to build a consensus around the policies they will bring forward for debate in the Scottish Parliament. But this white paper can only create division and uncertainty which will damage Scotland.

The SNP have spoken about a national conversation but tomorrow's publication is about their nationalist crusade. We will listen, but we fear this will be less of a conversation than a one-way megaphone.

We are deeply concerned that the proposals to be made by the SNP are only designed to drag the people of Scotland into a constitutional cul-de-sac. We will not give succour to those who want to end the Union.

Their objective is to end the United Kingdom while our parties want to see devolution succeed inside the United Kingdom. Our parties have differing views on how to reform, maintain, and strengthen the Union, but none of us want to see it ended.

Reforming the Union is in conflict with ending the Union, so there can be no consensus around a minority obsession that will do great damage to Scotland.

In the months to come we will consider how best the interests of the people of Scotland can be served. Though we disagree about the means to achieve it, good governance and basic priorities should come first for Scottish ministers.

Sadly, tomorrow's white paper signals that the constitutional debate, and staging squabbles with Westminster, are the priority of the current minority administration.

We regret the fact that these divisive proposals were brought forward during the recess rather than when parliament was sitting.

We are willing to enter into debate jointly about the way in which devolution within the UK can best develop in the years to come and we believe that colleagues in Westminster have a role to play in that debate.

Before the Scottish Parliament reconvenes we will discuss together the best way to take forward this debate.

Jack McConnell, Annabel Goldie and Nicol Stephen.


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Re: Election 2007
Date Posted: 00.46hrs on Tue 14 Aug 07
Jack McConnell, Annabel Goldie and Nicol Stephen.

If there were an election tomorrow the Lib Dems could see a swath of their North seats go to the SNP. A lot of grass routes Lib Dems weren't that happy with coalition with Labour in power, they're seething over this apparent 'coalition' in opposition with Jack McConnell and the same goes for a good chunk of those who voted Lib Dem in this part of the world too.

Plus after the shambles of May's election for the opposition parties to be seen to deny the people a vote on this can only damage themselves and not the SNP.

Why Jack McConnell, Annabel Goldie and esp. Nicol Stephen continue to flog this I don't know, because the further they go with it the more foolish they will look. There are people on the Opposition benches that would vote YES in a referendum, there are plenty more including arch-Unionists who given a free vote would back the Referendum Bill.

They argue uncertainty is bad, there's one way to deal with that, hold a referendum, if the opposition are right then the Union will be secured for a generation, if they are wrong then the will of the people will have prevailed. By all means oppose Independence, but opposing the referendum is and will increasingly be seen to be indefensible.
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