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22nd Apr 2021
Re: The Mother of all Snow Ramping Threads 2...
Date Posted: 18.32hrs on Sat 26 Jan 19
Latest radar is looking good, Especially for the west!

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 18.33hrs Sat 26 Jan 19 by carsey.

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1st May 2019
Re: The Mother of all Snow Ramping Threads 2...
Date Posted: 01.41hrs on Sun 27 Jan 19
Will certainly be interested to see what we wake up to tomorrow. It was great (and unbelievable) to see that the base created on the car park run at Cairngorm survived that rain. I wonder how much the gunbarrel has filled in and whether the car park t-bar uptrack will be completed.

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 01.41hrs Sun 27 Jan 19 by GordieB.


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2nd Mar 2021
Re: The Mother of all Snow Ramping Threads 2...
Date Posted: 10.05hrs on Sun 27 Jan 19
Both access roads closed at Glenshee and Lecht, hopefully this storm will help to form a decent base.


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22nd Apr 2021
Re: The Mother of all Snow Ramping Threads 2...
Date Posted: 17.38hrs on Sun 27 Jan 19
Guess the snow last night didnt really deliver. Wonder when the next decent potential is


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2nd Dec 2020
Re: The Mother of all Snow Ramping Threads 2...
Date Posted: 22.10hrs on Sun 27 Jan 19
carsey Wrote:
Guess the snow last night didnt really deliver. Wonder when the next decent potential is

Not in the West at least. The 2 resorts in the east should get something open I reckon.

Meanwhile I'm banking on pennines skiing next weekend at Yad Moss or Weardale. There's no thread for it but Weardale was open this last week with 15 members skiing

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 22.13hrs Sun 27 Jan 19 by awrightski.


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22nd Apr 2021
Re: The Mother of all Snow Ramping Threads 2...
Date Posted: 22.42hrs on Sun 27 Jan 19
I seen the weardale open, still a bit patch in places from the report posted.

I checked the webcam for Glenshee, and still looked a bit patchy.

Seems this year could be a very late start. I remember it was this weekend or last that we were at Glencoe and had 12" at resort level on the car over the 2 days we were there!


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2nd Dec 2020
Re: The Mother of all Snow Ramping Threads 2...
Date Posted: 22.48hrs on Sun 27 Jan 19
Aren't you north east England based Carsey? Should get yourself to the pennine lifts. I can't wait.

And yes very late start, starting to be worrying given how much will be required for Glencoe to get the top lifts running. Wanted to ski before Feb half term euro trip but looking a bit unlikely now unfortunately!


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22nd Apr 2021
Re: The Mother of all Snow Ramping Threads 2...
Date Posted: 05.30hrs on Mon 28 Jan 19
Crook, co. Durham for me.

Agree with you there, it’s going to take a fair bit to fill some of the upper slopes up


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Re: The Mother of all Snow Ramping Threads 2...
Date Posted: 13.05hrs on Mon 28 Jan 19
Raise was fantastic on Wednesday. Unfortunately almost back to square one by Saturday. May do well from the snow tomorrow though which looks like it might just slip to the south of Yad Moss.


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22nd Apr 2021
Re: The Mother of all Snow Ramping Threads 2...
Date Posted: 20.12hrs on Tue 29 Jan 19
Plenty of snow showers of pretty high intensity coming in from the west tonight. Snow down to road level at Glencoe.


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Re: The Mother of all Snow Ramping Threads 2...
Date Posted: 20.49hrs on Tue 29 Jan 19
The hills round Glasgow are white,folk will be getting itchy feet


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Re: The Mother of all Snow Ramping Threads 2...
Date Posted: 00.44hrs on Tue 5 Feb 19
Yet again at under 24 hours the Met Office model falls in line with the GFS putting the freezing level above the tops for Tuesday evening with rain. Over the course of Monday the Met Office spot forecast for Meall a' Bhuiridh has raised the temperature for late Tuesday evening by a degree or two on each update from -2 to on Monday morning to +2°c now. From all heavy snow to or even below the Plateau from the evening through the night its now rain at all levels through evening into the early hours of Wednesday.

This has become something of a recurring theme since early in 2016/17 of GFS saying mild, Met Office and ECMWF saying cold right up to very short notice, only for the GFS to be proved correct and the other two flip warm at the last moment.

Edited 1 times. Last edit at 00.48hrs Tue 5 Feb 19 by alan.


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22nd Apr 2021
Re: The Mother of all Snow Ramping Threads 2...
Date Posted: 10.53hrs on Tue 5 Feb 19
Do you see anything of any significant snowfall falling for anywhere soon Alan?


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22nd Apr 2021
Re: The Mother of all Snow Ramping Threads 2...
Date Posted: 11.26hrs on Tue 5 Feb 19
Met office forecast for GS has snow all this week except turning to rain for a while tonight.

But see Alan's caveat above...


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Re: The Mother of all Snow Ramping Threads 2...
Date Posted: 12.44hrs on Tue 5 Feb 19
Following on from my post above the Met Office spot forecast for Meall a' Bhuiridh now has a peak of +4°c at the Summit this evening. Early morning yesterday it was -3°c for the same time.

That uncertainty plays right through as can be seen on some of the insane scatter on the GFS ensembles, the Fort William ones reached a peak spread of 26°c at one point. Near record breaking 850hpa temps for time of year at either ends of the spectrum are possible from this point in the next 10 days!!

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